Joachim Hagopian, Elites’ Engineered Global Economy Collapse Is Here

Joachim Hagopian The net wealth of the world fell by a whopping $11.4 trillion or by 2.4% to $454.4 trillion by 2022’s yearend tally, the first decline observed since the 2008 financial crisis. This is just one among countless ominous barometers all indicating we’re fast headed off a financial Armageddon cliff, plunging headfirst towards a global economic depression the likes of which none of us alive today have ever experienced before. Non-financial assets like real estate appeared to hold up despite increasing interest rates. That said, commercial real estate is crashing bigtime.…

Joachim Hagopian, Armenian Genocide Redux A Century Later?

Joachim Hagopian Since December 12th, 2022, now over eight months ago that Azerbaijan placed a blockade on the 3-mile long Lachin Corridor connecting the breakaway enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh to Armenians) with the Republic of Armenia. Azerbaijan used as its phony excuse eco-protestors blocking the entry to the Lachin Corridor over illegal mining in Artsakh with Russian complicity. Despite the Russian peacekeepers present at the border, the local commander stated he had neither the authority nor direct orders from Putin to forcibly reopen the corridor. My immediate response is this…

Joachim Hagopian, The Niger Crisis – Africa’s Next ‘Ukraine’ or Africa’s Rejection of Western Neocolonialism

Joachim Hagopian Major changes within the last month are sweeping through the geopolitical landscape worldwide. Even the West is now braced for Ukraine’s defeat against Russia. Western national economies are all failing, undergoing a perilous backslide into emerging economic depression, ultimate collapse of Western civilization and crumbling of the centralized banking infrastructure. Meanwhile, amidst this political and economic shakedown, the rising challenge of the multipolar world is destined to crush US unipolar dominance and hegemony as the international power dynamics radically shifts from West to East. Within the context of…

Joachim Hagopian, Climate Change Globalist Codeword for Genocide

Joachim Hagopian The planetary controllers are using their climate change minions as lame excuse to double down on their endgame lies, in the same way they use the World Health Organization to usurp national sovereignty. The reality is climate change is another Trojan horse abstraction designed to cover up the willful crimes of diabolical climate engineering controllers who for decades have been engaging in manmade weather warfare, terraforming the earth to deliberately induce this week’s big headline claiming July is the hottest month on record. This sensationalized ploy offers false justification serving…

Joachim Hagopian,  Overcoming Today’s Fractured World

Joachim Hagopian The elites’ rush to crush Western civilization and the United States in particular was expedited with their illegally installed, handpicked, senile puppet Biden whose 2020 political rallies attracted very sparse numbers. Yet we’re supposed to actually believe he received the most votes in US history with over 81 million? The powerbrokers’ puppet’s assigned, scripted role to finish the job begun by his boss Manchurian traitor Obama to destroy America from within, after the populist battering ram Trump briefly upended their Saul Alinsky Marxist plan, further polarizing the US left-right divide. The diabolical elitist plan…

Joachim Hagopian, “Sound of Freedom” – Smokescreen for Controlling the Child Sex Trafficking Narrative

Joachim Hagopian The enemy of humanity has successfully deployed the divide and conquer approach for shielding its pervasive criminal accountability and increasing its power and control. The enemy’s strategic use of the dialectic of inventing an exaggerated problem that barely exists just to cause a horrific reaction that the enemy then pushes a readymade solution in an endless cycle to grab more centralized power and control is the another go-to standard our enemy masterfully deploys through yet more camouflaged deception as humanity’s enemy are Luciferian masters of deception. The prime…

Joachim Hagopian, City of London’s Desperado Edict: NATO Summit Commits to Kiev’s Pathway to Membership and Cluster Bombing to WWIII

Joachim Hagopian   Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the days leading up to Tuesday July 11th’s two-day NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania appears to have dramatically pivoted back into the Western Deep State fold, on Saturday July 8th raising the issue of becoming an EU member again, advocating Ukraine join NATO, finally giving in to Sweden as a NATO member on the eve of the Vilnius NATO summit, and last Saturday releasing five neo-Nazi Ukrainian Azovstal commanders vowing to return to the combat zone who were held in a Turkish prison, breeching the original agreement between Ankara,…

Joachim Hagopian, France’s Riots Are the Canary in the Coalmine: Globalist Democide Payback’s A Bitch

Joachim Hagopian The weeklong rioting, burning and destroying buildings and neighborhoods as part of the apparent nationwide revolt erupting across France began after a 17-year old of North African descent was shot to death by a police officer a week ago. It appears the riotous destruction and lawlessness is unprecedented in its persistent violence under longtime Rothschild stooge Emmanuel Macron’s half dozen years as politically centrist president. Like Biden, he had to cheat to win his last fixed election a year ago, and also like Biden, with his power base rapidly weakening,…

Joachim Hagopian,  Happy July Fourth… It Could Be The Last

Joachim Hagopian As a journalist the singular topic I encounter with increasing frequency each week is exposing how the ruling elites are fixated on deliberately igniting nuclear World War III against Russia and all the rest of us on earth. An ongoing method of delivering potential mass destruction since early March 2022, once the Russian military took control over the largest nuke plant in Europe at the Zaporozyhe NPP, has been threat of a nuclear catastrophe. This perilous predicament has availed itself as the Rothschild Khazarian mafia controllers’ opportunity to…

Joachim Hagopian, Failed Russian Coup Aftermath Exposes West’s Desperation Push to World War III

Joachim Hagopian It’s now a whole week since the failed Prigozhin coup ended and a full week of digging deeper to delve into what really happened based on subsequent developments unfolding in its aftermath. Speculation is off the charts, largely determined by media bias and analytical frame of reference. Western propagandists in corporate media consistently insist that Putin’s hold over Russia has been weakened significantly and, as a result, he is far more vulnerable to yet more unrest than ever before during his entire 20 years in power. A July…