Kevin Barrett, Does the Presidential Election Matter?

Kevin Barrett It’s Not Who Wins—It’s the Chaos, Stupid Will the 2020 elections change history? If they do, it won’t be because one or the other candidate won, but because they accelerated the polarization that brought down the American empire. Political partisans, including most of the mainstream media (MSM) are screaming from the rooftops that the fate of the known universe depends on the outcome of Trump v. Biden. The dominant anti-Trump MSM faction casts Trump as a new Hitler who has exterminated more than 200,000 Americans in a coronavirus…

Gen. Soleimani World’s Most Accomplished Military Figure in Counter-Terrorism: Analyst

Kevin Barrett Republiished from 5 October 2019 TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An American political analyst and author described Iran’s IRGC Quds Force Commander Major General Qassem Soleimani as the “world’s most accomplished military figure” in the field of counter-terrorism. “Major General Qassem Soleimani is the world’s most accomplished military figure in the field of counter-terrorism… Gen. Soleimani’s fight against Daesh (aka ISIS) is a wholehearted fight — unlike America’s ambivalent war on Daesh that has included covert support for the same terrorists it fights,” Kevin Barret from Madison told Tasnim. Following is the…

Robert Steele, Alex Jones “Threw” The Sandy Hook False Flag Lawsuit — Was He Bribed or Blackmailed?

Robert David Steele When Alex Jones was sued over Sandy Hook, I was among those who offered to help him line up the considerable evidence that Sandy Hook was a false flag event orchestrated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). He refused help from me and many others. Now we know that Alex Jones “threw” the Sandy Hook lawsuit. The article below from The New York Times makes it quite clear that “Jones and his lawyer intentionally disregarded an October court order to produce witnesses and other materials to the plaintiff…

Kevin Barrett, Jim Fetzer USMC (Hon. Discharge) Is a Real Marine Officer NOT a Crisis Actor

Kevin Barrett Dr. James Fetzer has been called many things, some laudatory, others unprintable. Just don’t call him a crisis actor! Fetzer is well known for doubting the official versions of a long list of events, beginning with the JFK assassination—a list that has grown to include 9/11-anthrax and its follow-up false flags, the Wellstone assassination, the victors’ version of World War II, and several domestic massacres (or ersatz massacres) that Fetzer believes were staged to sell gun control to the public. As major national news outlets reported this fall, Fetzer…

Kevin Barrett, The Legal Lynching of a Truth-Seeker: Jim Fetzer’s Stalinist-Style Show Trial (Expanded)

KEVIN BARRETT  [Editor’s note: This report by Kevin Barrett captures what has happened in the Sandy Hook “Pozner v. Fetzer” lawsuit more adequately than anything else published on the case–including by me. For a curious development in the discussion thread on his article–which, until the shills began posting en masse, was perhaps the most intelligent discussion (absent certain posts on this blog) I have yet to read–see the appendix I have added at the end, which represents a most curious development.]   Part 1: Tuesday at the Trial: Just the…

Stephen Lendman, US Show Trial Punishes Truth-Telling

Stephen Lendman When truth-telling is criminalized, considered defamation, or otherwise judged unacceptable, speech, media, and academic freedoms no longer exist. That’s the disturbing reality of America today. Truth-telling journalists and whistleblowers involved in exposing wrongdoing are considered threats to national security and endangered. Distinguished academic James Fetzer is internationally recognized for his writing and expertise on the theoretical foundations of scientific knowledge, computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, as well as evolution and mentality. He’s dedicated to exposing falsehoods and revealing hard truths on major issues — truth-telling the way…

Kevin Barrett, The Legal Lynching of a Truth-Seeker: Jim Fetzer’s Stalinist-Style Show Trial

By Kevin Barrett Stalinist show trials were conducted in front of rousing images. Jim Fetzer’s trial featured a tear-jerking backdrop image of Noah Pozner Tuesday was the final day of Jim Fetzer’ defense against Lenny Pozner’s libel lawsuit. I attended and wrote up a “just the facts” report that evening. At almost the same moment I published my report, the jury came back with a verdict awarding close to half a million dollars to Lenny “Jim Fetzer gave me PTSD” Pozner. Now it’s time for an opinion piece. And as much as…

Jim Fetzer and Lenny Pozner Testify During Day 2 of Sandy Hook Trial

By Kevin Barrett   Jim Fetzer’s defense against Lenny Pozner’s defamation suit got interesting today, day two of the penalty phase of the trial. (Disclaimer: I have been friends with Jim since 2006, and though I don’t always agree with him, I respect his courage and sincerity. It was an honor to have lunch with him on this, the critical day of the penalty phase of his trial.) Pozner won the first phase last June when the court determined that four of Fetzer’s statements alleging a fake death certificate for Noah Pozner…

Kevin Barrett, Why The War On Conspiracy Theories Is Bad Public Policy

Authored by Kevin Barrett via The Unz Review On January 25 2018 YouTube unleashed the latest salvo in the war on conspiracy theories, saying “we’ll begin reducing recommendations of borderline content and content that could misinform users in harmful ways—such as videos promoting a phony miracle cure for a serious illness, claiming the earth is flat, or making blatantly false claims about historic events like 9/11.” At first glance that sounds reasonable. Nobody wants YouTube or anyone else to recommend bad information. And almost everyone agrees that phony miracle cures, flat earthism, and blatantly…

“Today is Nov. 22, 1963”, PENN Magazine (Nov. 2018)

Penn Magazine November 2018 Also available here in flip-page format: Special Offer: Johnny Moon available here for free in pdf format: “I’ve read JFK assassination fiction by Don Delillo and Norman Mailer, and can tell you that this new novel [Johnny Moon] not only is Mike’s best book yet, it’s much better than Delillo and Mailer’s efforts to do justice to the most important event in U.S. history.”   — DR. KEVIN BARRETT       … IT IS STILL THAT DAY, in a sense, Nov. 22, 1963. That is…