Joachim Hagopian At the height of the worldwide vaccine mandates, the people of Europe and Australia were out in the streets protesting against global tyranny in mid-September 2021. As the pushback against the Covid-19 government overreach was demonstrated en masse by citizens around the globe that were sick and tired of all the lockdown and senseless restrictions over an increasingly exposed fake virus and kill shots that had thousands already that “Died Suddenly,” and the world population saw through the fake science bullshit, insultingly calling it “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome,” (SADS) as…

Margaret Anna Alice, A Letter to Klaus Schwab

Guest blogged by Margaret Anna Alice Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass Dearest Klaus, I know how much you like playing super-villain, but you’re really more of a mediocre-villain. C+ at best. Sorry to break it to you. No matter how hard I try, I can’t summon terror, rage, or even disgust when I behold your dopey, dull, doltish demeanor. The most I can muster is pity. And cringe. Lots and lots of cringe. Fawning over Henry Kissinger, for example. Like a tongue-tied seventh-grader crushing on a rock star backstage, you…

Colin Todhunter, Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order

Colin Todhunter   We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The high-tech/big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also involved (documented in ‘Gates to a Global Empire‘ by Navdanya International), whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, promoting a much-heralded (but failed) ‘green revolution’ for Africa, pushing biosynthetic food and genetic engineering technologies or…

Joachim Hagopian, Schwab’s Great Reset Includes Elites’ Marching Orders to World War III

Joachim Hagopian Arming Ukraine to the gills right into oblivion goes the $56 billion worth of US weapons sent to Ukraine, and a bonanza for all the new req orders building whole new war arsenals for the US military industrial war-making complex. Most of the money will not even reach Ukraine, but what weapons do, are quickly falling into the wrong hands, on the black market and dark web marketplaces, accessible to every bad actor terrorist organization for the right bargain price. With Ukraine the hub of illegal trafficking of laundered trillions derived from covert sale of…

Joachim Hagopian, Crisis in an Ever Dangerous World Gone Mad

by Joachim Hagopian This short article emerged from my head and heart…. It’s no surprise that the World Health Assembly consisting of 194 United Nation members predictably moved one step closer this week in favor of following their puppetmasters’ orders to formally establish by November 2022, for the first time in history on this planet, one world governance through technocratic, totalitarian, medical dictatorship. As the true stake-holding stewards of this earth, We the People never gave our consent to relinquish either our individual or national sovereignties to an unelected corrupt authority, yet these…

Joachim Hagopian, Today’s Shifting Balance of Power, Elites’ Endgame Dystopian Nightmare: Its Winners and Losers 

Joachim Hagopian Over seven years ago I wrote a Global Research article entitled “Global Shift in the Balance of Power Moving from West to East,” focusing on the formation of the BRICS economic alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), its sheer thrust compelling even America’s most stalwart allies in Europe and Australia to gesture toward jumping the USD lollipop ship. Another enormous, even more significant sea change currently underway amidst these calamitous times is the elites’ synchronized perfect storm of converging global crises, one of which is the final death throes of the US dollar…

Joachim Hagopian, Luciferian Endgame Control: Killing our God Gene to Destroy our Faith in Our Creator

Joachim Hagopian  This is not about woo woo New Age hyperbole but hardcore scientific, empirically driven evidence that the earth controllers have created DNA altering bioweapons to not only effectively depopulate our planet but also to kill the VMAT2 God gene that allows humans to connect with our Source Creator that major religions typically refer to as God. Recall that globalists from Adam Weishaupt’s founding of his Bavarian Order of the Illuminati financed by Amschel Rothschild back in 1776, have identified religion for the last two and a half centuries…

Klaus Schwab’s puppet ‘Young Global Leaders’ revealed — Trudeau in Canada, Buttigieg in U.S., Macron in France, and many more As technocracy expert Patrick Wood says, it was no coincidence that 1992 was chosen as the year to start the Global Leaders of Tomorrow program. This was the same year that Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development were unleashed on the world. The new agenda for the world required a new kind of leader and Klaus Schwab’s program was key to the whole evil plan. That new kind of leader would offer exactly the kind of “leadership” we see in Ottawa, Paris, London and Washington. Leaders who basically hate their…

Article Title: The World Stage Is Set: Who Will Win this Epic War Between Good and Evil?

Joachim Hagopian The Canadian truckers’ convoy joined by citizen supporters nobly fighting back against Prime Minister Trudeau’s dictatorship in Ottawa have inspired freedom activists the world over. With major criminal lawsuits in multiple courts, led by Reiner Fuellmich at the International Criminal Court, Thomas Renz providing mind-blowing whistleblowers’ testimony before a Senator (R-WI) Ron Johnson hearing, and London’s Metro Police investigation of Big Pharma injury and deaths, all are currently making significant headway to exposing the elites’ premeditated depopulation agenda. As the people of this earth tread deeper into unknown, polluted, ever-threatening waters, courage and faith are prerequisites for surviving…

Michael Rectenwald, What Is the Great Reset?

Michael Rectenwald The following is adapted from a talk delivered at Hillsdale College on November 7, 2021, during a Center for Constructive Alternatives conference on “The Great Reset.” Is the Great Reset a conspiracy theory imagining a vast left-wing plot to establish a totalitarian one-world government? No. Despite the fact that some people may have spun conspiracy theories based on it—with some reason, as we will see—the Great Reset is real. Indeed, just last year, Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF)—a famous organization made…