Are you tired of being played?

They fabricated allegations of phony sexual attacks to destroy a candidate for the Supreme Court. And they fabricated another school shooting to promote their anti-gun political agenda. Contents Preface Mike Palecek / What the hell is going on around here? ix Contributors xviii Prologue Jim Fetzer / The Parkland Performance: A False Flag for Valentine’s Day 1 Part I: How we Know Parkland was Staged 1. James Tracy / Parkland Shooting: Top 10 Reasons for Deeper Interrogation 17 2. Dr. Eowyn / Florida’s Valentine’s Day School: Shooting Anomalies and Confessed…

“Today is Nov. 22, 1963”, PENN Magazine (Nov. 2018)

Penn Magazine November 2018 Also available here in flip-page format: Special Offer: Johnny Moon available here for free in pdf format: “I’ve read JFK assassination fiction by Don Delillo and Norman Mailer, and can tell you that this new novel [Johnny Moon] not only is Mike’s best book yet, it’s much better than Delillo and Mailer’s efforts to do justice to the most important event in U.S. history.”   — DR. KEVIN BARRETT       … IT IS STILL THAT DAY, in a sense, Nov. 22, 1963. That is…