Joachim Hagopian, Zionist Israel Still Suppresses Trump Release of JFK, 9/11 and Jeffrey Epstein Files

Joachim Hagopian The common thread that Zionist Israel lurks behind the JFK assassination, the 9/11 attacks and the Epstein blackmail operation is why President Donald Trump and his Attorney General Pam Bondi still refuse to release those promised files – all to protect the criminality of terrorist state Israel. Despite compromised US government sock puppets always touting that Israel is America’s closest ally, Israel is not only not our close ally, Israel is in fact America’s worst, most dangerous enemy that possesses a long history of betrayal toward America. Yet today Israel owns Trump, his Synagogue…


By Joachim Hagopian A topic that I’ve been extensively covering like no other for over ten years now is how politicians in our puppet governments around the globe, particularly in the West, are groomed, bribed, blackmailed and extorted into doing the dirty bidding of their elite puppet master controllers, often with their private army of global intelligence services. Deep State mafia henchmen entice, coerce, strongarm and threaten compliance from politicians as globalist order-followers. In all the most infamous pedophilia scandals that I expose in my 5-book volume series Pedophilia & Empire:…

Full Text Transcript of Tucker Carlson / Vladimir Putin Interview

Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin World 10 FEB 2024 1:33 PM AEDT Share Full Text Transcript of Tucker Carlson / Vladimir Putin Interview Russian President Vladimir Putin sat down in the Kremlin for a two-hour one-on-one interview with former Fox News host-turned Tucker Carlson in his Western media conversation since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine began two years ago.Below is the full text transcript in English of the interview translated from the original conversation in Russian.Note: This transcript presents what Putin said and as he said – it may contain…

Joachim Hagopian, Today’s Upside-Down World Spins: Superbowl, Year of Dragons and Demons

Joachim Hagopian No doubt special counsel Robert Hur’s leaked report to the press this week was timed to take public focus away from Tucker Carlson’s highly revealing interview with Vladimir Putin, proving the West demonized Russian leader as the only seemingly honest and genuine adult on the world stage, is clearly not interested in waging world war against US/NATO. Then, contrast Putin’s prudence and competence with the released assessment concluding Joe Biden’s incapacity to stand trial for misplacing troves of highly classified documents as “leader of the free world.” With imposter-in-thief Braindead occupying a stolen White House showing…


Joachim Hagopian website posted the Tucker Carlson interview with President Vladimir Putin. It shows Putin in fine form casually answering Tucker’s varied questions on many topics. Tucker Carlson in Moscow this week has attracted a lot of attention, even from mainstream news though it’s tainted and biased. The usual neocons like Bill Kristol and RINO Rep. Adam Kinzinger are calling Carlson a traitor who should not be allowed to return to America. Tucker was tipped off that the NSA put him on their up close and personal watchlist throughout. The ample pre-coverage…

Miles Mathis, Fake Trans Shooting

by Miles Mathis [Editor’s note: Since Miles doesn’t prove it was fake, I am adding a couple of my shows that bear that burden. One of the most striking proofs is that he/she was wearing one type of sneaker (also black-and-white) coming in but another (multi-colored) when taken down. This may be the most amateurish of all the “false flag” events I have covered and represents a catastrophe for FEMA, which runs these drills and pays “big bucks” to the participants.] I am not even going to bother proving this one…

Paul Craig Roberts, How Troublesome Presidents Are Disposed of

 Paul Craig Roberts Tucker Carlson provides an excellent 12 minute report about the CIA’s removal of President Kennedy and President Nixon. I recommend that you watch it 2 or 3 times until it sinks in and forward it to all of your friends and relatives. There is nowhere else  you can get so much solid and important information in 12 minutes. Carlson believes that Biden, no longer useful to the establishment, is currently undergoing removal. I have reported the truth about the removal of Presidents Kennedy and Nixon from office for…

Joachim Hagopian, Normalizing Pedophilia and Diagnosing Dissidents as Mentally Ill

Joachim Hagopian The latest case of a fashion company caught attempting to normalize pedophilia is Balenciaga busted this week for displaying two very small young child models holding teddy bears in bondage. BDSM kink deemed so chic in high society circles apparently is the targeted audience of this high-end luxury fashion house headquartered in France when it displayed its spring 2023 line of teddy bear apparel. One campaign ad photo depicted a toddler lying face down on a couch with candles, empty wine glasses and a dog collar on a coffee table.…

2nd Smartest Guy in the World, Who Owns the CDC?

2nd Smartest Guy in the World “Inventor status could enable the NIH to collect royalties — potentially recouping some of its investment of taxpayer money…” Theft via taxation is then recouped by a criminal agency such that is steals multiple times off of the initial theft of We the People. None of that recouping goes back to the slaves that were stolen from, but they do get “free” slow kill bioweapon injections for their troubles. Pretty sick and depraved system we’ve got. by A Midwestern Doctor Many of you are understandably…

Ron Unz, Ukraine and Biowarfare Conspiracy Theories

by Ron Unz Several days ago a mainstream policy analyst dropped me a note mentioning that the Russians were claiming to have discovered the existence of a network of biowarfare labs in Ukraine, funded by the American Pentagon and allegedly working with anthrax and plague. Given that much of my focus over the last two years had been on America’s biowarfare program and its possible deployment, he wondered what I thought about the matter. I’d seen some of the same Russian accusations swirling around the Internet, and hadn’t paid much attention. On…