Joachim Hagopian, The Stage Is Set: Apocalyptic Countdown to One World Government

Joachim Hagopian Donald Trump’s a stooge for the Greater Israel Project, owned and operated by the City of London Rothschild bloodline founder of Israel. His assembled  Synagogue of Satan crew is the most pro-Israel cabinet in all of US history, and in the near two months since he’s taken office, he’s clearly demonstrated he’s Make Israel Great Again and as a fraud not a MAGA man at all. Look at his Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, who was so emotionally moved when he visited the site in Jerusalem where today’s Al-Aqsa mosque stands, not in any deference whatsoever…

Joachim Hagopian, WWIII Pathway to War against Iran via More US State Sponsored False Flag Terrorism?

 Joachim Hagopian 2024 went out with a bang, literally with co-timed reported acts of terrorism vis-a-vis the Las Vegas Musk-owned Tesla made cybertruck going off injuring a half dozen bystanders, killing only the apparent suicide bomber parked in front of the Trump International Hotel. This location linking the richest man in the world to billionaire President Trump is certainly no accident, an ominous attack of things to come symbolically directed against the Trump-Musk alliance set to retake the White House in two and a half weeks. According to CNN, Vegas police…

Joachim Hagopian, Nuclear Doomsday’s Dead Hand Walking…

Joachim Hagopian This year’s ongoing pattern of two active regional wars threatening to expand into global conflicts, alternately taking wag-the-dog turns as elites’ bread and circus theater for the wary masses, has yet again suddenly shifted worldwide focus to the Middle East and the Hezbollah-Israel ceasefire that took effect Wednesday November 27th. While The New York Times inverts reality with the headline “A Battered and Diminished Hezbollah Accepts a Cease-Fire,” with Israel running out of gas and will, it grabbed full global attention in order to purposely obscure the most foreboding flareup…

Joachim Hagopian, President-Elect Trump’s WWIII Train Wreck Incoming

Joachim Hagopian Since June this year, NATO has amassed a half million troops on high readiness along the Russian border, as both a show of force in case World War III’s Western front breaks out, but more apt to act as an albeit weak and hollow pressure on Russia to want to make concessions to end the Ukraine conflict, according to the November 12th Chinese website With Russia pushing Ukraine forces steadily in retreat along the frontline in recent weeks, the Kremlin remains in the driver’s seat in its war of attrition Kiev is losing,…