Joachin Hagopian, Civil War in America? The Elites’ Divide and Rule Payoff

Joachim Hagopian Sending FBI attack dogs last week to invade Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence is undoubtedly meant to send the loud message that an overreaching desperado federal government fearing its own downfall is also coming after all of us Americans daring to oppose the US traitors atop the illegit regime bent on destroying our constitutional republic from within. At the same time, also hiring 87,000 new employees to the dreaded IRS and unleashing 70,000 trained, armed and dangerous IRS federal agents packing firearms to target middle class dissidents willing to shoot to kill is again…

4th Annual False Flags & Conspiracies Conference 2023 (16-17 December 2023)

The 4th Annual False Flags & Conspiracies Conference will be held this coming 16-17 December 2023. Unlike past conferences, this will be FREE and broadcast LIVE. We will take questions from the audience following grouped presentations. SATURDAY (9 AM- 1 PM/CT) will feature Ace Baker, Brian Davidson, Fred Leuchter, and Jim Fetzer on false flags and their exposure, with important examples; (1-6 PM/CT) Donald Jeffries, Stephanie Sledge, and Meryl Nass on COVID, Trump, and biological warfare; (5-1` PM/CT) Giuseppe Vafangulo, Joachim Hagopian, Rima Laibow, and Jack Mullen on kill shots, genocide against the human race, questioning the WHO, and freedom & privacy. For background, download LAW ENFORCEMENT FALSE…


Joachim Hagopian No sooner after the balloon fiasco last weekend that in retrospect appears to be more a US psyops than a Chinese spy operation, it was used to misdirect public attention away from Biden’s gross failures with his open border, his plunging national economy, and US fatigue setting in over giving away the kitchen sink in a losing cause in Ukraine, so for the last three straight days, US fighter jets have been firing missiles each day to shoot down back-to-back-to-back unidentified aerial objects flying into North America’s airspace. What are the odds…


LIVE Conference (3-4 December 2022) CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR TICKETS  Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Program Chair Welcome to the 3rd annual False Flags & Conspiracies Conference (2022), to be broadcast LIVE 3-4 December 2022. The nation has been gripped by conspiracies, including the theft of the 2020 election, the production of a (fake) pandemic and a real (but deadly) vax, sabotaging the nation’s energy independence by cancelling the XL pipeline, the transgender movement (where parents have no say over the sex of their child), Congressional funding of the most corrupt country…

Could Juan O Savin be a highly sophisticated black hat psy-op? How about Dave at the X22 Report?  

MAXtheMAGAnificent [Editor’s note: Published at the suggestion of Joachim Hagopian, who thinks Max has said it even better than he has himself.] A person called “Juan O Savin” has become the de facto ultimate information source for the alternative media when it comes to the goings on with respect to the “white hats” and the exiled Trump Administration which is supposed to still be in control of the U.S. military…at least the Cheyenne Mountain nuclear forces control site, the twelve top combat commanders, and the base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.…

Article Title: The World Stage Is Set: Who Will Win this Epic War Between Good and Evil?

Joachim Hagopian The Canadian truckers’ convoy joined by citizen supporters nobly fighting back against Prime Minister Trudeau’s dictatorship in Ottawa have inspired freedom activists the world over. With major criminal lawsuits in multiple courts, led by Reiner Fuellmich at the International Criminal Court, Thomas Renz providing mind-blowing whistleblowers’ testimony before a Senator (R-WI) Ron Johnson hearing, and London’s Metro Police investigation of Big Pharma injury and deaths, all are currently making significant headway to exposing the elites’ premeditated depopulation agenda. As the people of this earth tread deeper into unknown, polluted, ever-threatening waters, courage and faith are prerequisites for surviving…

The Rothschild Controlled Chessboard: Destroying America in Favor of the Israel-Russia-China Alliance

Joachim Hagopian The grand chessboard strategy’s “great game” always uses “the next world war” or its threat of nuclear annihilation to induce fear and compliance in the global masses. From the last two years of the fake pandemic designed to instantly create worldwide panic followed less than a year later by the Warp Speed rollout of a genocidal bioweapon masquerading as a so-called vaccine, we’ve learned that this COVID debacle was never about any actual health threat but all about using fear to nefariously increase centralized control over the global populace. So…

Reaching COVID-19 “Turning Point of Critical Mass”: Is Nuremberg 2 Next? London Metropolitan Police Criminal Investigation

Joachim Hagopian The influx of many recent current events and significant news breaking developments reflecting positive changes unfolding on this earth is the primary focus of much of this presentation. After all, at least 1,011 scientific studies have now proven beyond any questionable doubt that the Covid-19 non-vaccines are in fact lethal. That old “follow the science” line that the enemy keeps using ad nauseam just doesn’t wash any more.  The deceivers are realizing that regardless of how many times they repeat their lies to those no longer buying it, it will…

Reaching Covid-19 “Turning Point of Critical Mass”: Is Nuremberg 2 Next? London Metropolitan Police Criminal Investigation

Joachim Hagopian The influx of many recent current events and significant news breaking developments reflecting positive changes unfolding on this earth is the primary focus of much of this presentation. After all, at least 1,011 scientific studies have now proven beyond any questionable doubt that the Covid-19 non-vaccines are in fact lethal. That old “follow the science” line that the enemy keeps using ad nauseam just doesn’t wash any more.  The deceivers are realizing that regardless of how many times they repeat their lies to those no longer buying it, it will…