Joachim Hagopian A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. …

Joachim Hagopian A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. …
By Michele Goodwin [Editor’s note: The author captures exactly my contention that the pro-life position is unConstitutional, undemocratic, and unAmerican by forcing women to carry unwanted fetuses to term and turns them into reproductive slaves. The pro-choice position–perfectly represented by Roe–allows a woman to decide on the basis of her personal and family circumstances whether or not to carry to term. It does not obligate anyone to have an abortion and therefore allows everyone to decide for themselves, as in “My Body, My Choice!” I weep for the women of America…
Jonathan Turley For years, we have been discussing the decline of journalism values with the rise of open bias in the media. Now, a newly released report from the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford has found something that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. The United States ranked dead last in media trust among 49 countries with just 29% saying that they trusted the media. The most tragic aspect is that it does not matter. The media has embraced the advocacy journalism and anyone questioning that trend…
By Peter Koenig Amazingly, The New York Times – 22 May 2021 – predicts massive population reduction over the next few decades. “Fewer babies’ cries. More abandoned homes. Toward the middle of this century, as deaths start to exceed births, changes will come that are hard to fathom.” And – “All over the world, countries are confronting population stagnation and a fertility bust, a dizzying reversal unmatched in recorded history that will make first-birthday parties a rarer sight than funerals, and empty homes a common eyesore.” And it continues, “Maternity wards are…
Miles Mathis [Editor’s note: I am a huge fan of Tucker Carlson, but also of Miles Mathis. So I share this without implying that I agree with everything he has to say about Tucker, whom I esteem. But, agree or disagree, Miles is always worth reading.] I will start off by pointing out that I published 17 articles last month, 13 of them written by yours truly. That’s more than three a week. Some of them weren’t very long, but I believe it was a personal best. To pre-empt some…
Jim Fetzer From time to time, Deep State operatives simply cannot resist speaking out in ways that reveal who they are and what they are really about. The case of Jefferson Morley, who recently posted about my Sandy Hook lawsuit on a blog he calls JFKFACTS, is a case in point. Facts, of course, differ from opinions insofar as opinions can be true or false and held on flimsy or non-existent evidence, while facts are understood to be assertions that are both true and verified. Hence, the familiar saying, we are…
Jim Fetzer Stunned to discover that James Fields has been placed on trial and that the judge has allowed a photoshopped image to be introduced as evidence, I have written to the Commonwealth’s Attorney for Charlottesville, the Clerk of the Court, the Office of the Attorney General of Virginia and other worthies in the hope that this grotesque miscarriage of justice might be averted. I no longer have any confidence in our alleged “system of justice”. Joseph Platania, Esq. Commonwealth’s Attorney City of Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Mr. Platania,…
by Vivian Lee On Saturday morning, October 27, 2017, a mass shooting was reported at the Tree of Life synagogue in the Squirrel Hill region of Pittsburgh, PA. A suspect, Robert Gregory Bowers, was apprehended at the scene, after being wounded by SWAT officers. Before he was taken into custody, Bowers is said to have killed 11 of the congregants and injured six, including four members of the SWAT team that he engaged in two separate gun battles. Bowers was allegedly armed with “an AR-15-style assault rifle,” a Glock pistol,…
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