Susan Bradford, The Trump Phenomenon Was a CIA-Orchestrated Psych-Op

Susan Bradford [Editor’s note: Since the question has arisen, let me observe that I often publish articles with which I either do not entirely agree or, less frequently, with which I complete disagree because they raise issues that are provocative and deserve discussion and debate. I continue to be reprimanded for my hope that Trump may come around and turn out to be a good guy who repudiates his lockdown and the introduction of the vax. Meanwhile, read this with interest. It’s VERY provocative. This blog is committed to. freedom…

Mike Palecek, Reflecting on the Revolution from My Garage

Mike Palecek So, yeah, I’m sittin’ here at the kitchen table worryin’ about if there’s still enough time to get my boat out on the lake for ice fishing. And other stuff, getting the dishes done, at least started, get them soaking. Being a perfectionist, I usually like to let them soak for two or three days. See, I am in my first week of retirement and well … And of course, I’m writing a new best-selling book what else would I do. And I’m supposed to complete or at…

Ivan Pentchoukov, Electors in 7 States Cast Dueling Votes for Trump

BY IVAN PENTCHOUKOV Featured Image: Electors from the GOP are denied entry to the Michigan Capitol as the Electors from the Democratic Party cast their ballot in Lansing, Mich., on Dec. 14, 2020. (Jeff Kowalsky/AFP via Getty Images)                                                                                        * Republican electors in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico cast alternative slates of votes…

Politico, The Lawsuits That Could Decide the 2020 Election

By ZACK STANTON The pandemic means elections will look different, prompting more than 228 lawsuits. Here’s what law professor Justin Levitt thinks you should know about them. [Editor’s note: This guy is very smart but has missed the boat at least twice: the 2016 election was massively rigged for Hillary, as the request by Jill Stein for recounts in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, in particular, revealed; and voter fraud using mail-in ballots occurs frequently.  Check out the second Need to Know (4 August 2020) and the premier (3 August 2020), for…

Revolver Exclusive Study: COVID-19 Lockdowns Over 10 Times More Deadly Than Pandemic Itself

Revolver  A groundbreaking new study commissioned by Revolver News concludes that COVID-19 lockdowns are ten times more deadly than the actual COVID-19 virus in terms of years of life lost by American citizens. Up until this point there had been no simple, rigorous analysis that accurately and definitively conveys the true costs of the COVID-19 lockdowns. Accordingly, Revolver News set out to commission a study to do precisely that: to finally quantify the net damage of the lockdowns in terms of a metric known as “life-years.” Simply put, we have drawn upon existing economic…

Stephanie Sledge, Was WalMart compromises into Corona Hoax after evidence of their OpioId “Pill Mill” surfaced?

Stephanie Sledge The U.S. Prosecutor’s Office of the Eastern District of Texas (EDTX) has always been known for their special investigative skills of uncovering major drug lords. In fact –they have been one of the leading U.S. Attorney’s office in the nation to carry out President Trump’s “Initiative to Stop Opioid Abuse” focusing their resources on the illegal prescribing and dispensing Opioid drugs by pharmacies and doctors. Their strategies focused on cracking down on the domestic and international drug supply chains. In 2018, Joe Brown, the U.S. attorney for EDTX,…

Marc Thiessen, The Pandemic will Fuel the Populism that sent Trump to the White House

By Marc A. Thiessen  The Biden campaign is hoping the covid-19 pandemic will serve as a brake on the populism that propelled Donald Trump to the White House. In a time of crisis, the thinking goes, Americans will lose their appetite for political disrupters and come to a renewed appreciation for the steady hand of experts who can guide us through the storm. If anything, the opposite is likely to be true. When the after-action reports for this pandemic are written, the elites are not going to come out looking very good.…

Grave concern about US plan to resolve Israel-Palestine conflict | Letter

The Guardian Donald Trump’s Peace to Prosperity plan for the Middle East envisages an outcome with characteristics similar to apartheid, say 50 former foreign ministers and leaders from across Europe As Europeans dedicated to promoting international law, peace and security worldwide, we express our deep concern about President Trump’s Middle East plan, titled Peace to Prosperity. The plan contradicts internationally agreed parameters for the Middle East peace process, relevant UN resolutions, including security council resolution 2334, and the most fundamental principles of international law. Instead of promoting peace, it risks…

Jim Fetzer, The Assassination of Soleimani: What really happened and why it matters

Jim Fetzer [Editor’s note: This article was originally published in Farsi in Iranسردار-سلیمانی-موفقترین-استراتژیست-نظامی-ضد-تروریسم-جهانترور-سردار-سلیمانی-نقض-قوانین-بینالمللی-است.] The stunning drone attack that killed Major General Qassem Soleimani and senior leaders of the Shia militia in Iraq was not only a violation of international law but of Iraqi sovereignty as well. Perhaps most disturbing, Iraq’s PM, Adel Abdul Mahdi, reported that Soleimani was on a diplomatic mission as the guest of Iraq at the behest of President Donald Trump, who used the pretext of receiving a Trump-Pompeo missive to take him out. The world has not seen…

Michael Dorstewitz, 9 Reasons Why Impeachment Is a Fraud

Michael Dorstewitz By Michael Dorstewitz Last week’s announcement by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi authorizing an impeachment inquiry — the latest in a series of Democratic attempts to reverse the results of the 2016 presidential election — is replete with dishonesty and outright fraud.The attacks on President Trump began even before his Inauguration, when electors were asked to reject the will of the people of their states and to instead cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton. Vanity Fair reported as far back as December 2016: “Democrats are paving the way to impeach Donald…