Newtown Shooter’s Guns: This Is What We Were Told; But Was It True?

Mike Cunningham World Class Schools [Editor’s note: During a presentation about Sandy Hook with students of Mike Cunningham, World Class Schools, questions arose about the weapons that were allegedly used by Adam Lanza, the alleged perp of the mass shooting. Using a CNN report by Steve Almasy, CNN as their point of departure, they made several rather telling observations as follow.] That is what we were told Now Let Us 10 Years Later Look at the Pictures to Obtain Questions from the Evidence Looking at the evidence, one can normally…

Mary Maxwell, America’s Downfall: the Sandy Hook Hoax Has Lasted Ten Years This Week

MaryMaxwell [Send E-Mail] Date: Tuesday, 13-Dec-2022 14:35:32 [Editor’s note: The photo I added  (above) is of “Noah Pozner” celebrating his 8th birthday. (Count the candles!) Pretty good for a boy who died at Sandy Hook at the age of 6!] Ten years ago on December 14, 2012, the FBI, or some other part of the US government, played a trick on the American people. They put out a story that 20 children were shot by 20-year-old Adam Lanza. No kid actually got shot, so that is a happy fact, but…

Joachim Hagopian, 2023: The Road to Digital Enslavement Amidst Global Economic Collapse

Joachim Hagopian The “perfect storm” of convergent earthshaking crises commonly referred to by the crises-makers as the “Great Reset,” is said to be days or weeks away now with the less than three week countdown to 2023, a year that appears increasingly associated with Armageddon, be it from World War III or a Financial Armageddon or both. This presentation will attempt to unpack the monetary side of this imminent world economic, house-of-cards collapse as humanity is pushed ever-closer to the endgame abyss by bloodline controllers orchestrating this apocalyptic doom and…

Susan Bradford, Sandy Hook Revisited: Woke Activism, Rothschilds, and Other Observations

By Susan Bradford [Editor’s note: These school shootings–including Sandy Hook, Parkland, and Uvalde–are staged as faux terrorism to instill fear into the public (especially parents) to make them more amenable to manipulation in promoting a political agenda, especially gun control. But there are other incentives, including economic.] A possible outcome from the recurring school shootings, of which Sandy Hook is one, is that schools will likely be retrofitted with new technologies and structures to keep children “safe” from terrorists within technological gulags that bring the experience of air travel to…

James Perloff, Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt’s 9/11

James Perloff [Author’s note: For those who would prefer to read this post in hard copy, it is Chapter Four of my book Thirteen Pieces of the Jigsaw.] On the morning of December 7, 1941, Japanese planes, launched from aircraft carriers, attacked the American fleet at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, sinking or heavily damaging 18 ships (including eight battleships), destroying 188 planes, and leaving over 2,000 servicemen killed. The next day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt denounced this “day of infamy” before Congress, from whom he secured an avid declaration of…


Joachim Hagopian At the height of the worldwide vaccine mandates, the people of Europe and Australia were out in the streets protesting against global tyranny in mid-September 2021. As the pushback against the Covid-19 government overreach was demonstrated en masse by citizens around the globe that were sick and tired of all the lockdown and senseless restrictions over an increasingly exposed fake virus and kill shots that had thousands already that “Died Suddenly,” and the world population saw through the fake science bullshit, insultingly calling it “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome,” (SADS) as…

Jim Fetzer, SCOTUS Petition for Rehearing DENIED: The Story as Told via Twitter

Jim Fetzer As it happens, I filed a Petition for Rehearing on the Court’s Denial of my Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, which is supported by new legal arguments and new factual evidence. Click here to download the Petition for Rehearing. Click here for Appendices A-D (which includes the FEMA Manual for the Sandy Hook Exercise and the CT FEMA Bridgeport Scheduling of that Exercise}. Click here for Appendix E (which is an Affidavit by Texas Licensed Private Investigator, Brian Davidson, of crime scene photos from the CT Stater Police Archive but which not only…

Patrick J. McShay, Operation Disclosure: Diversity Driven Incompetence And Fast Tracking Idiocracy

By Patrick J. McShay “We just don’t need the vast majority of the population” in the early 21st century given modern technologies’ rendering human labor economically and militarily “redundant.” — Yuval Noah Harari, Historian, Futurist, and World Economic Forum (WEF) adviser “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately.  Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something.  They know there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle,…

Joachim Hagopian, The Elites’ Genocidal Agenda to Render the Human Species Extinct

Joachim Hagopian On December 3rd I spoke for an hour on the topic of the genocidal agenda as part of James Fetzer’s False Flag and Conspiracies conference. Below is the full transcript: I’m honored to be part of this amazing False Flags conference sponsored by my dear friend Dr. James Fetzer. Jim and I go back quite a few years to our days as fellow Veterans Today columnists. It was Jim Fetzer who first suggested that I write the book on pedophilia, way back now over five and a half years ago. I…

Caden Pearson, Elon Musk Unveils Twitter Censorship Machine in 2020

By Caden Pearson 0:007:25 1    Twitter’s new owner Elon Musk and independent journalist Matt Taibbi on Friday unveiled what drove former Twitter executives to suppress the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story in the weeks leading up to the 2020 presidential election. Dubbed “The Twitter Files,” Taibbi published his reporting in a thread on his Twitter account, which he said was based on “thousands of internal documents obtained by sources” from the social media platform. The tweets contained communications amongst Twitter employees as they grappled with how to excuse their decision to censor the Hunter…