The Senate’s Cadaver Synod: The Trial of Citizen Trump would Raise Serious Constitutional Questions

 jonathanturley   Below is my column in USA Today on the upcoming Senate trial of President Donald Trump. The Hill recently my second column on why the best defense of Trump could be no defense — to skip the Senate trial and force a threshold vote on the constitutionality of the trial of an ex-president. Here is my column: With the second impeachment of President Donald Trump, the Congress is set for one of the most bizarre moments in constitutional history: the removal of someone who has already left office. The retroactive…

Pat McShay, Who Planned the False Flag on Capitol Hill?

by Patrick J McShay “The Republicans chose Whiteness over Democracy.” — Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House “Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American owned small businesses and women-owned businesses” — Joe Biden, President-elect “Marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” — President Donald J. Trump on January 6, 2021 Joe Biden talks about unity while his Big Tech enablers at Twitter, Facebook, and Google censor, blackball and de-platform Conservative and Christian content. Joe’s idea of unity looks like Saul…


America Can We Talk Let’s be clear:  the chances that the Supreme Court will do anything but punt relative to any of the election fraud claims still pending before it, are the proverbial ‘slim to none’. The totalitarian left has leveraged the January 6 Reichstag fire into a compelled unity of rage against Donald Trump for inciting riots (even though evidence keeps accumulating that the assault on the Capitol was planned and set up and began being executed before Trump even finished the speech said to have caused the riots).  …

Mimi Nguyen Ly, Congress Reconvenes, Pence Denounces Violence

BY MIMI NGUYEN LY Congress reconvened Wednesday evening after protesters earlier in the day breached the U.S. Capitol building. About six hours prior, the U.S. House and Senate temporarily halted Congress after protesters breached the Capitol building, interrupting concurrent debates in the two chambers over an objection to the counting of a slate of 11 presidential electors from Arizona for presidential candidate Joe Biden, a Democrat. Upon resuming the session, Vice President Mike Pence condemned the violence. “We condemn the violence that took place here in the strongest possible terms. We grieve the loss of life…

Edward Hendrie, Proof that Donald Trump Actually Won in Pennsylvania

Edward Hendrie The presidential election results reported as of 28 December 2020, show that Joe Biden won the Pennsylvania vote by a margin of 80,555. The Data Integrity Group, who were the same forensic computer scientists who revealed the fraudulent subtraction of Trump Votes in Georgia, presented their evidence that Trump votes were also fraudulently subtracted in Pennsylvania. These computer scientists found that a total of 423,116 votes were fraudulently deleted from Donald Trump’s vote total in Pennsylvania.  If those deleted Trump votes were restored, it would give the victory to Donald Trump in…

The Threat of Authoritarianism in the U.S. is Very Real, and Has Nothing To Do With Trump

Glenn Greenwald The COVID-driven centralization of economic power and information control in the hands of a few corporate monopolies poses enduring threats to political freedom. Asserting that Donald Trump is a fascist-like dictator threatening the previously sturdy foundations of U.S. democracy has been a virtual requirement over the last four years to obtain entrance to cable news Green Rooms, sinecures as mainstream newspaper columnists, and popularity in faculty lounges. Yet it has proven to be a preposterous farce. In 2020 alone, Trump had two perfectly crafted opportunities to seize authoritarian power…

Stephen Francis, All Eyes on Pence on January 6th

Stephen Francis [Editor’s note: I was informed by Michael Ivey today that Mike Pence has reservations to fly to Israel on January 7, 2021, for a two-week vacation. If he betrays the President, I would not expect him to ever return to the US.] The main premise is that VP Pence, on January 6, 2021 (and December 23rd), has the ability to unilaterally circumvent the ‘contingent’ election possibility and directly omit the electoral votes of six swing states because of fraud thus giving Trump a 232 to 227 win on remaining…

Trump Approves Filing Retooled Texas-Style Election Challenges: Giuliani

BY ZACHARY STIEBER President Donald Trump’s legal team is planning on filing retooled lawsuits, his lawyer said Saturday. “We move immediately, seamlessly, to plan B, which is to bring lawsuits now in each one of the states. We had them ready. They’re just a version of the one that was brought in the Supreme Court. So last night, the president made the decision,” Rudy Giuliani said during an appearance on “War Room: Pandemic.” Texas filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan, alleging the elections there were…

Soviet Toxicologist, Igor Shepherd: Covid Vaccine is a Genocide Bioweapon

Igor Shepherd [Editor’s note: While I certainly hope that Trump is not “a traitor”, my commitment to the requirement of total evidence leads me to publish this, because scientific reasoning–and reason and rationality in general–demands that we base our conclusions on all the available evidence, where the acquisition of new evidence or of alternative hypotheses may require to to reject hypotheses we previously accepted, accept hypotheses we previously rejected and leave others in suspense. I continue to believe in him but admit I find this disconcerting.] Left, Toxicologist Igor Shepherd,…

Patrick J. McShay, Vote Fraud: The Cheaters Are Being Exposed

Patrick J. McShay It is now being reported after an investigation into SEC filings that Dominion Voting Systems, the company that tabulated the votes in 28 states in our recent elections, was wired $400 million from a Swiss bank that is controlled by the Communist Chinese Government. Why didn’t we know about this before the election? Did these State officials that used Dominion know about this payment. An earlier payment of $200 million was also sent to Dominion in 2014. In a shocking statement today at a raucous rally in…