Sundance, Bill Barr Refuses to Say if He Assisted the Jack Smith Targeting of Donald Trump

Sundance  Bill Barr enjoys talking about the weaponized DOJ as if the DOJ was not weaponized.  Bill Barr is a very dangerous figure in the government weaponization process, and he had a lot of people fooled for a long time.  Fortunately, he didn’t fool me and many of you remember exactly why. Additionally, during my 2020 trip to DC, it was specific suspicions about Bill Barr that necessitated going directly into the system.  Through research and eventually a stroke of luck, I was able to trace the people Attorney General Barr…

Roger Kimball, Poetic Justice for the Biden ‘Ministry of Truth’

By Roger Kimball At some point in this column, I have probably had occasion to quote these famous lines from Walter Scott’s poem “Marmion”: “Oh, what a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive.”  In another, better world, I like to think, the Bidens and their protectors and puppet masters would ruefully be contemplating Scott’s admonitory observation. In this world, however, I suspect that—until quite recently, anyway—they had smugly sided with J.R. Pope’s sly amendment to Scott’s moralizing couplet: “But when we’ve practiced for a while  How vastly we…

Sundance, The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection

Sundance The Ring of Truth – “I am too well accustomed to the taking of evidence not to detect the ring of truth.” 1908, Edith Wharton Much has been made of the events of January 6, 2021, and with the latest broadcast of CCTV video from inside the Capitol Hill complex, more questions have been raised. Within the questions: the FBI and government apparatus had advanced knowledge of the scale of the J6 mall assembly yet doing nothing?  Why were the Capitol Hill police never informed of the FBI concerns?  Why didn’t…


Joachim Hagopian   The article below is my speculative conclusion about the projected “non-event” scheduled on Monday, January 9th, 2023 at the US  Supreme Court where, in all likelihood, the Court will refuse to act on the Brunson vs. Adams case that alt-media’s been hyping for over a month now. Many pieces covering this topic are confident that America’s highest court will in effect overturn the false 2020 US presidential election and return Donald Trump as the rightful winner. I hope and pray that’s the case. But as a realist based on…

Paul Craig Roberts, The Democrats and their FBI Gestapo Have Brought Nazism to America

By Paul Craig Roberts There is no doubt about it Watch:  The Real Story of January 6 | Documentary. The alleged “January 6 insurrection” is entirely an orchestrated event.  The presstitutes have given a completely fabricated account that bears zero relationship to what happened.   This documentary by the Epoch Times, a new large online and print newspaper that is filling the role abandoned by the US media of objective reporting, is a font of truthful information backed up by visual evidence.  Here are a few of the actual facts.  The…

Joseph Mercola, M.D., Twitter Files reveal FBI Involvement

Joseph Mercola, M.D. STORY AT-A-GLANCE Twitter documents released by Elon Musk reveal the lawlessness of our intelligence agencies and the psychological warfare against the American public is far worse than expected Between October 2019 and February 2021 alone, FBI paid Twitter 3.4 million to censor certain views and stories on its behalf, including the damning Hunter Biden laptop story, which likely would have sunk Joe Biden’s bid for the presidency had it received the attention it deserved The FBI, Twitter and Facebook even ran a tabletop exercise about “hacked” information…

Sundance, Elon Musk Perplexed as Twitter Begins Widespread Suspensions of Accounts Critical of U.S. Funding for Ukraine and Zelenskyy Grift

Sundance  The basic premise of Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop was to use Twitter as a platform built upon a mission to control and influence public opinion. As a result of the evolution, the growth of the public-private partnership, content moderation flows through DHS.  If the system operators allowed you to see that your opinions were not in the minority, it would be a risk for those in power. The foundation of the mission would be compromised. It really is that simple. Against the backdrop of Twitter triggering suspensions and content removal for…

Donald Jeffries, The Illegitimate Bastard Child America 2.0

Donald Jeffries [Editor’s note: Pat Shannon at INI World Report observes, “You and I and a few million others have thought it, but nobody has said it better that Donald Jeffries. Any tracker of true history will quickly grasp his message. Therefore, we make him our guest editorialist for the month of December.” I am delighted that he will be among my featured speakers at my 3rd annual False Flags & Conspiracies Virtual Conference 2022 this coming weekend.] I know of several anarchists who read and enjoy my work. There…

Did the FBI Tamper with the Frame Rate of the Jan 6 Pipe Bomb Footage?

REVOLVER EXCLUSIVE More than a year has passed since the FBI last released footage of the pipe bomber who allegedly planted explosive devices near the DNC and RNC party headquarters the night before January 6, 2021. The FBI has reportedly collected 39,000 video files relating to the suspect’s identity, according to Steven D’Antuono, assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Washington D.C. Field Office. Yet since September 8, 2021, not a single new video file has been released. At Revolver, we have been focused on the two clips of video footage from DNC…

The 20th Observance of His Assassination: Sen. Paul Wellstone (1944-2002)

DEVLYN BROOKS [Editor’s note: The title is mine. At the time of the crash, I was being interviewed in my office on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota, when we heard the news. The reporter said, “Well, the black box should tell us what happened”, to which I replied, “There won’t be one!” And even though it was legally required, the black box did not survive, which I infer may have been why the FBI was there on the scene with preternatural speed, where, by my calculations, they…