Jack Mullen, Why They MUST Take Your Weapons: The Red Terror is Coming to America

Jack Mullen Terrorism is a word originally coined to define the actions of a State against its people for purposes of fear to further an agenda or for mass murder. Terrorism: Government by Intimidation. – Oxford Dictionary During the so-called French ‘Revolution’, there was a period existing for nearly a year called a Reign of Terror. It was a time when tens of thousands of people, considered enemies of the Revolution, were executed, many by beheading. A Reign of Terror later turned up in Russia after Jewish-led Bolsheviks brutally executed the Czar…

OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA 3: Paradise, CA: The Target of a Highly Organized Attack to Steal the Land

State of the Nation “It was like the folks in Paradise CA fire were in a high rise with bars on the windows and their doors were bolted shut from the outside!” Many throughout the Patriot Movement have heard the statement: “You don’t know what you don’t know!” Well, in the case of Operation Torch California many good folks in California are willfully choosing to not know what they don’t know about these geoengineered catastrophic firestorms.  The true causes and intent are just too outrageous for them to comprehend. For those uninitiated…

OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA 2: State-sponsored Environmental Terrorism Now a  Seasonal Attack against California

State of the Nation The verdict is in.  And there’s now no question that it’s For anyone who doubts that these apocalyptic CA fires were the result of premeditated acts of genocide, please watch this video: Paradise California DEW Attacks & Pyro-Terrorism: “GENOCIDE!” The California wildfires were not only entirely manmade arson fires, they were started with the intention of killing as many people as possible and destroying as much property across the state as the arsonists.   This ongoing terrorist operation is officially known as OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA: A Special Report on…

Paul Craig Roberts, On the Triumph of Evil

Paul Craig Roberts The murder of Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi Arabian embassy in Turkey is unprecedented in its audacity. The response from Washington and the Canadian government is to sell more weapons to Saudi Arabia, weapons that are being used by the Saudis in their destruction of the Yemeni population. The Russian response, if the report I saw was not fake news, is to sell the Saudis the S-400 air defense system.  What we can conclude from this is that armament profits take precedence over murder and genocide. Genocide is what is…