Israel pushes U.S. into ‘aggressive posture toward Iran that could spiral into war’ — but mainstream press is indifferent

BY PHILIP WEISS Trump says, Netanyahu was ‘willing to fight Iran to the last American soldier.’ That ought to be big news, as Israel’s defense minister gets unrivaled access in D.C. to threaten war and block the U.S. path to a new Iran deal. ISRAELI DEFENSE MINISTER BENNY GANTZ MEETS WITH U.S. DEFENSE SECRETARY LLOYD AUSTIN, DEC. 20, 2021. FROM GANTZ’S TWITTER FEED. You have heard the news that the talks to revive the Iran deal are apparently on life support in Vienna. The United States claims Iran has moved the goalposts. And…

Israel to Attack Iran? Washington Gives the Green Light to the ‘Military Option’

Phil Geraldi [Editor’s note: My opinion has long been that Israel–and the media it controls–went all-in for Biden/Harris because, even though he had been extremely generous to the Jewish state, Donald Trump was not willing to attack Iran. That now has become apparent, where the Biden body-double has authorized a military attack by Israel on Iran. I must say that, if this goes forward, the outcome may not be at all what the Zionist masters had in mind.]   Some might recall candidate Joe Biden’s pledge to work to rejoin…

Mike Whitney and Ron Unz, The Covid BioWeapon: Made in the USA, Aimed at China

MIKE WHITNEY AND RON UNZ  [Editor’s note: A fascinating review of facts and circumstances related to the (purported) pandemic, where we have extensive evidence that the entire “pandemic” is a phantom and that we, the American people, and most of the world’s population are suffering from a mass illusion.] “…..we are left with the strong likelihood that Covid came from a laboratory (and) was designed as a bioweapon… China was the intended target (and) America seems the likely source of the attack… The most likely suspects would be rogue elements of our…

Chris Hedges: The Unraveling Of The American Empire

Chris Hedges America’s defeat in Afghanistan is one in a string of catastrophic military blunders that herald the death of the American empire. With the exception of the first Gulf War, fought largely by mechanized units in the open desert that did not — wisely — attempt to occupy Iraq, the United States political and military leadership has stumbled from one military debacle to another. Korea. Vietnam. Lebanon. Afghanistan. Iraq. Syria. Libya. The trajectory of military fiascos mirrors the sad finales of the Chinese, Ottoman, Hapsburg, Russian, French, British, Dutch, Portuguese and…

Philip Geraldi, A Killing in Iran: Who Gains from Yet Another Assassination?

Philip Giraldi   It is not often that one can agree with the pronouncements made by former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John Brennan, but his tweeted comment on the killing of Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh suggesting that the incident “…was a criminal act & highly reckless. It risks lethal retaliation & a new round of regional conflict. Iranian leaders would be wise to wait for the return of responsible American leadership on the global stage & to resist the urge to respond against perceived culprits” was both restrained and reasonable. Or…

Phil Geraldi, Punishing America’s Enemies: Denying medicines to Iran and Venezuela is a crime against humanity

PHILIP GIRALDI    Much remains to be learned about the coronavirus, though it is quite possible that it will not be possible to determine how it developed if the various governments that might be involved prove to be uncooperative. The Chinese carefully controlled the information on the virus in its early stages, though they eventually adopted a complete lockdown to prevent its spread that seems to have been successful and might serve as a model for other nations to follow if they can overcome concerns about threats to civil liberties…

Sanders tells New York Times he would consider a preemptive strike against Iran or North Korea

By Jacob Crosse and Barry Grey Valentine’s Day 2020 Bernie Sanders has won the popular vote in both the New Hampshire and Iowa presidential primary contests in considerable part by presenting himself as an opponent of war. Following the criminal assassination of Iranian General Qassem Suleimani last month, Sanders was the most vocal of the Democratic presidential aspirants in criticizing Trump’s action. His poll numbers have risen in tandem with his stepped-up anti-war rhetoric. He has repeatedly stressed his vote against the 2003 invasion of Iraq, reminding voters in the…

Vivian Lee, The Strange Crash of Ukrainian Flight #752 in Iran

Vivian Lee On the morning of January 8, 2020, a Boeing 737 crashed and left debris scattered over a wide area just minutes after takeoff from the Imam Khomeini International Airport in Tehran. The Ukrainian International Airlines jet was en route to Kyiv, scheduled to land at Boryspil International Airport at 8 am local time. “Amateur” videos posted on social media led to the suspicion that the plane had been brought down by a missile over the city of Parand. The first video, posted on Instagram by The Rich Kids…

Larry C. Johnson, The Facts About Iran and Terrorism

 by Larry C Johnson When emotion rules the day facts do not matter. Sadly, that is the reality we confront when it comes to talking about Iran and terrorism. The U.S. Government and almost all of the media continue to declare that Iran is the biggest sponsor of terrorism. That is not true. That is a lie. I realize that calling this assertion a lie opens me to accusations of being an apologist for Iran. But simply look at the facts. Here is the most recent U.S. State Department claim about…

Patrick J. McShay, Targeted Assassinations and Foreign Entanglements

Patrick J. McShay “The Iranian regime’s aggression in the region including their use of proxy fighters to destabilize its neighbors must end and it must end now!“ *President Donald J. Trump President Trump’s former National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster once said that “there are basically two ways to fight the United States, asymmetrically and stupid.” We know the disparities between Iran and the U.S. are immense but how much do we really know about Iran’s full capability? One thing we do know is that Iran is a much graver threat…