Philip Geraldi, A Killing in Iran: Who Gains from Yet Another Assassination?

Philip Giraldi   It is not often that one can agree with the pronouncements made by former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John Brennan, but his tweeted comment on the killing of Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh suggesting that the incident “…was a criminal act & highly reckless. It risks lethal retaliation & a new round of regional conflict. Iranian leaders would be wise to wait for the return of responsible American leadership on the global stage & to resist the urge to respond against perceived culprits” was both restrained and reasonable. Or…

Robert Fisk, Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ is so absurd and banal, it’s impossible to take it seriously

Robert Fisk Truly, all must read these 80 pages. And every reader should go through them twice – in case, first time round, they missed some extra egregious indignity inflicted upon the Palestinians When the two old political fraudsters emerged at theWhite House this week with the most deranged, farcical tragi-comedy in Middle East history, it was difficult to know whether to laugh or cry. The 80-page “peace” plan from the White House contained 56 references to “Vision” in its first 60 pages – and yes, with a capital V on each occasion to suggest, I…

Kurt Nimmo, David Wurmser and Trump’s Zionist-Occupied Brain

KURT NIMMO Trump’s brain is not his own. It’s antisemitism time. If you criticize Israel and the cadre of chickenhawk neocons steering Donald Trump’s foreign policy, you will be pilloried and exiled to the political wilderness, forever condemned as a white supremacist. Scratch a little bit beneath the surface and you will discover at the core of this anti-free speech campaign a rabid Zionist, the same Zionist agitators responsible for advocating and organizing the murder of over a million Iraqis. It’s no longer permissible to criticize Jewish neocons. The very word…

Vivian Lee, The Strange Crash of Ukrainian Flight #752 in Iran

Vivian Lee On the morning of January 8, 2020, a Boeing 737 crashed and left debris scattered over a wide area just minutes after takeoff from the Imam Khomeini International Airport in Tehran. The Ukrainian International Airlines jet was en route to Kyiv, scheduled to land at Boryspil International Airport at 8 am local time. “Amateur” videos posted on social media led to the suspicion that the plane had been brought down by a missile over the city of Parand. The first video, posted on Instagram by The Rich Kids…

Patrick J. McShay, Targeted Assassinations and Foreign Entanglements

Patrick J. McShay “The Iranian regime’s aggression in the region including their use of proxy fighters to destabilize its neighbors must end and it must end now!“ *President Donald J. Trump President Trump’s former National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster once said that “there are basically two ways to fight the United States, asymmetrically and stupid.” We know the disparities between Iran and the U.S. are immense but how much do we really know about Iran’s full capability? One thing we do know is that Iran is a much graver threat…

Paul Craig Roberts, America on the Ropes

Paul Craig Roberts The impeachment proceedings orchestrated by the idiot House Democrats with the aid of the corrupt FBI, CIA, NSA and presstitute media have been a boon for Republican fundraising. Jews such as Schiff and Nadler have created the impression for the average gentile American that Jews do not accept that “Trump Deplorables” are qualified to elect their own President, and that Schiff and Nadler intend to overturn the election outcome as it was the result of people who shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Jennifer Rubin adds to this…

Jim Kavanagh, Impeachment: What Lies Beneath?

by JIM KAVANAGH The Raw The Democrats have now revealed the hand they’re going to play for impeachment.  I have been vehemently arguing against playing this game and pointing out how futile it is, but, seeing the two cards actually laid out on the table, even I am gobsmacked at what a loser of a hand they’ve got. Of course, we have to recognize Gerald Ford’s correct point that “An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history,” and accept that the Democratic majority…

Doug Bandow, Trump Must Understand a War With Iran Would Be Hell

by Doug Bandow Key point: The entire Middle East could go up in flames. Sixteen years ago, the George W. Bush administration manipulated intelligence to scare the public into backing an aggressive war against Iraq. The smoking gun mushroom clouds that National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice warned against didn’t exist, but the invasion long desired by neoconservatives and other hawks proceeded. Liberated Iraqis rejected U.S. plans to create an American puppet state on the Euphrates and the aftermath turned into a humanitarian and geopolitical catastrophe which continues to roil the Middle East. Thousands…

Sylvain LaForest, Everything You Need to Know about Trump (but Were Afraid to Admit You Wondered)

Sylvain LaForest The timing is right for everyone to understand what Donald Trump is doing, and try to decrypt the ambiguity of how he is is doing it. The controversial President has a much clearer agenda than anyone can imagine on both foreign policy and internal affairs, but since he has to stay in power or even stay alive to achieve his objectives, his strategy is so refined and subtle that next to no one can see it. His overall objective is so ambitious that he has to follow random…

Philip Geraldi, Saudi Oil Attacks: Time to Back Off on the Threats

Philip Geraldi Attacks on two Saudi Arabian oil facilities on Saturday reportedly reduced the production of Aramco, the state oil company, by one half. It was a devastating demonstration of just how vulnerable the Kingdom’s oil economy actually is. Initial reports suggested that the damage had been caused by explosive drones launched by the Houthi rebels in Yemen, who claimed responsibility, but there has been considerable skepticism regarding whether the drones available to the Houthi could actually have carried out the attack. Inevitably, the United States and the Saudis are…