JACK MULLEN   It has become abundantly clear now – we are in the great apocalypse: the truth is becoming available to those with eyes to see.  The world is ruled by a small group of psychopaths who pretend to be legitimate, but the “Mask Of Sanity” is wearing thin.  We have all been shaken and confronted with the realization that our governments and religions are control systems and have always been that way. The USA has been at war with a great fabricated religion that hides behind and communicates…

5th Annual FALSE FLAGS & CONSPIRACIES CONFERENCE (14-15 December 2024)

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. My 5th Annual False Flags & Conspiracies (Virtual) Conference Enjoy from the comfort of your home. Zoom meeting limited to 500. Get your ticket NOW. SPEAKERS & SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Reserve Your Seat Now – Only 500 Seats   ALEXANDER C. BAKER SPEAKER ALEXANDER BAKER holds a Juris Doctorate and possesses a wealth of real-world experience in the extortion racket named the “justice system.” He is President of the Post-Modern Justice Media Project (www.pmjmp.org/) and has…READ MORE BRIAN DAVIDSON SPEAKER BRIAN DAVIDSON, P.I., has been a…

Joachim Hagopian, Nuclear Doomsday’s Dead Hand Walking…

Joachim Hagopian This year’s ongoing pattern of two active regional wars threatening to expand into global conflicts, alternately taking wag-the-dog turns as elites’ bread and circus theater for the wary masses, has yet again suddenly shifted worldwide focus to the Middle East and the Hezbollah-Israel ceasefire that took effect Wednesday November 27th. While The New York Times inverts reality with the headline “A Battered and Diminished Hezbollah Accepts a Cease-Fire,” with Israel running out of gas and will, it grabbed full global attention in order to purposely obscure the most foreboding flareup…

Paul Craig Roberts, In Court Cases Facts Are Losing Their Relevancy as They Have in News Reporting, Scholarship, and Science

Paul Craig Roberts [Editor’s note: The Sandy Hook lawsuits provide a perfect illustration, where none of them has been decided on the basis of its merits by being sent to a jury to determine the facts. They have been decided on the basis of assumption, presupposition, or (in the case of Alex Jones), alleged failures of discovery. My own came the closest, where Wisconsin allows judges to set aside evidence it considers to be “unreasonable”. Thus was a massive conflict in alleged facts resolved by simply “setting aside” all of…

Jerm Warfare, James Fetzer on the 9/11 coverup

By Jeremy Neil I have hosted a few 9/11 conversations, from Mike Berger arguing that controlled demolition was used, to Judy Wood’s hypothesis surrounding Directed Energy Weapons. For clarity, the official story is as follows. On 11 September, 2001, a series of coordinated terrorist attacks took place in the United States. Nineteen hijackers associated with the extremist group Al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial aircraft. Two of the planes were flown into the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, causing their subsequent collapse within hours. Another plane was flown into the…

James Fetzer – Show Trial: Alex Jones’ Case wasn’t Decided on its Merits

Henry Makow Prof James Fetzer, above who is facing a $450,000 penalty for his book “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook” says truth is no defense in 2022 Amerika. Alex Jones and his lawyers did not even try to use it which reveals Jones may be in on a charade designed to stifle dissent.   . . . . the school had been closed by 2008; that there were no students there; and that it had been a two-day FEMA drill presented as mass murder to promote gun control), I regarded this as…

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B., Thirteen Reasons Why I Reject the Official Sandy Hook Story

by Mary W Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B. In 2014, a so-called terrorist event occurred in Australia. I happened to get involved in investigating it and found that it was a set-up by government. The terrorist — a Muslim, natch — went through his paces that day, holding a dozen or more people hostage, in a cafe right smack dab in Sydney’s business district. At the end, he (Man Haron Monis) reportedly shot a hostage dead, and then was killed by police. A young-mother hostage died from ricochet of police bullets. Eventually…

Mary Maxwell: “Sandy Hook Is Definitely a Hoax. I Repeat: Sandy Hook Is a Hoax.”

By Mary W Maxwell, Ph.D., LLB [Editor’s note: The photo is of Wolfgang Halbig, a former Florida State Trooper and school principal, asking questions about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting during the public participation section of the Board of Education meeting at the Newtown Municipal Center Council Chambers in Newtown, Conn. Tuesday, May 6, 2014. I was there and spoke second. Wolfgang will be my guest on The Raw Deal (28 September 2022) Noon-2 PM/ET. Listen LIVE via freedomslips.com, Studio B.] Let’s start with a quick recap of the…


BY JERM There were no planes. Nuclear bombs were used. Holograms were beamed. And the Israeli government was involved. I have hosted a few 9/11 conversations, from Mike Berger arguing that controlled demolition was used, to Judy Wood’s fascinating hypothesis surrounding directed energy weapons. Firstly, I’m not going to entertain the laughable, official story. Sixteen years after a series of coordinated terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda (as the story goes) shook the United States and the world, the number of questions-raised-left-unanswered has perhaps never been any higher. Through their constant probing, investigating and challenging of the official…

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LLB, Error Coram Nobis in Bushmaster Gun (Sandy Hook) Case

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LLB I have the impression that the gun industry is now the clutches of the US government. In a recent case in which a gun manufacturer was sued for “its part” in a school shootout, the parties settled for $73 million. I have now approached that Connecticut court to petition for a Writ of Error Coram Nobis. My motive for taking the action below has almost nothing to do with gun rights. It has to do with truth rights. We citizens have a right to see that…