Pat Buchanan, Where US and Ukrainian War Aims Collide

by Pat Buchanan For us, the crucial concern in this Ukraine-Russia war is not who ends up in control of Crimea and the Donbas, but that the U.S. not be sucked into a war with Russia that could escalate into a world war and a nuclear war. To President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Ukraine, Crimea and the Donbas are national territories whose retrieval justifies all-out war to expel the invading armies of Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Yet, who controls Crimea and the Donbas has, in the history of U.S.-Russian relations, never been an…


BY JERM [Editor’s note: Apologies about the Pentagon, where no plane hit the building but you can see (what turns out to be) an UAV in the first frame, conveniently labeled “plane”. For my take on 9/11 (including a thorough and detailed discussion of all four of the purported “9/11 crash sites”, check out my 9/11 SPECIAL in Memoriam for Robert David Steele (12 September 2021).] Alex Jones has been right about a lot of things, and one of those things is Sandy Hook, argues James Fetzer. And before the proverbial knee jerks,…

Edward Curtin, The Assassination and Mrs. Paine

Edward Curtin  A Review Essay of Max Good’s documentary film [Editor’s note: Some years ago, I reviewed a book by one Thomas Mallon, Mrs. Paine’s Garage (2002), which already convinced me that she (and her husband, but she especially) had befriended Lee and Marina, not out of a sense of altruism, but for malevolent purposes, including arranging for him to find a position at the Texas School Book Depository in order to be set up as “the patsy” in the assassination of JFK. This fine essay by Edward Curtin assessing…

Nuclear War Could Mean Annihilation, But Biden and Congress Are Messing Around

Norman Solomon The Biden administration hasn’t just remained mum about current nuclear war dangers — it’s actively exacerbating them. President Joe Biden and top subordinates have refused to publicly acknowledge the danger of nuclear war — even though it is now higher than at any other time in at least 60 years. Their silence is insidious and powerful, and their policy of denial makes grassroots activism all the more vital for human survival. In the aftermath of the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, President John F. Kennedy was more candid. Speaking at American…

New Evidence Implicates CIA, LAPD, FBI and Mafia as Plotters in Elaborate “Hit” Plan to Prevent RFK from ever Reaching White House

Jeremy Kuzmarov  – Yet even after over 50 years, high government officials like Vice President Kamala Harris are still trying to cover up the truth about his murder. [California parole commissioners recommended on August 27th, 2021 that Sirhan Sirhan should be freed after spending more than 50 years in prison for assassinating Robert Kennedy. Governor Gavin Newsom (D), however, rejected parole for Sirhan in January. Strong evidence suggests that Sirhan was not the real killer and would be exonerated in any new and objective trial. This article is another in CAM’s series on…

New Evidence Implicates CIA, LAPD, FBI and Mafia as Plotters in Elaborate “Hit” Plan to Prevent RFK From Ever Reaching White House

 Jeremy Kuzmarov Even after over 50 years, high government officials like Vice President Kamala Harris are still trying to cover up the truth about his murder. [California parole commissioners recommended on August 27th, 2021 that Sirhan Sirhan should be freed after spending more than 50 years in prison for assassinating Robert Kennedy. Governor Gavin Newsom (D), however, rejected parole for Sirhan in January. Strong evidence suggests that Sirhan was not the real killer and would be exonerated in any new and objective trial. This article is another in CAM’s series on political assassinations.…

Everything you ever wanted to know about “conspiracy theories” but were afraid to ask

But this time, you don’t have to be afraid Dr. Fetzer at University of Minnesota Duluth in November 2005 discussing the death of U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone Brought to you by the world’s best-known “conspiracy theorist” CONSPIRACY 101: CRITICAL THINKING & CONSPIRACY THEORIES 15-week online course presented by Philosophy Professor Emeritus James H. Fetzer, Ph.D. LEARN MORE SIGN UP! Copyright © 2022 Wrongs Without Wremedies, LLC, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in from one of our websites or from one of our affiliates’ sites.…

No stone unturned Oliver Stone’s JFK documentary revisits America’s darkest day and demands answers

By HELEN BARLOW [Editor’s note: For an alternative take on the assassination of JFK, see “The Real Deal JFK SPECIAL (18 November 2021)”, for comparison and contrast.] Oliver Stone has always been politically outspoken and at 75 he shows no signs of quietening down. During publicity for his latest project in Cannes earlier this year, the iconoclast director – and Oscar winner several times over – trained his ire on revered figures of both liberal and conservative persuasion, declining to moderate his scathing language even for a dead former Supreme…

The Real Deal JFK SPECIAL (18 November 2021): Dedicated to Oliver Stone

Jim Fetzer To watch the video, click here: The Real Deal JFK SPECIAL (18 November 2021) Dedicated to Oliver Stone, whose new film will be released on 22 November 2021. His “JFK” was a masterpiece with three flaws: he did not know that Oswald was in the doorway of the Book Depository at the time the JFK motorcade passed by or that the Zapruder film had been massively edited, no doubt because he was relying upon advice from Robert Groden, who has played the JFK community (virtually) from the beginning.…

Wikipedia: James H. Fetzer (April 2014)

Wikipedia James H. Fetzer [Editor’s note: This was my Wiki entry up until mid-April 2014, when I organized and moderated a conference on Academic Freedom: Are there limits to inquiry? JFK 9/11 and the Holocaust, where it was gutted, apparently  as punishment for challenging the “official narrative” of WWII, about which I subsequently published, “The Holocaust Narrative: Politics trumps Science”. I have just discovered that it archived on a site for Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. I thought it was lost forever.] James H. Fetzer James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940 in Pasadena, California) is an American philosopher, professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth,[1] and a well–known conspiracy theorist.[2][3][4]  He has written on the philosophy of science and on the theoretical foundations of computer science, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science. Two of his most recent books were on the evolution of intelligence and philosophical aspects of “the Christian Right‘s crusade against science“. He is also an advocate of the 9/11 conspiracy[5] and John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories. He has published three collections of studies on the death of JFK, co–authored another on the plane crash that took the life of Senator Paul Wellstone, and edited the first book from Scholars for 9/11 Truth, an organization he founded. Fetzer makes frequent appearances on radio and television. Contents 1 Biography 2 Works 3 Controversial views 3.1 Assassination of John F. Kennedy 3.2 September 11, 2001 attacks…