Joachim Hagopian,  Happy July Fourth… It Could Be The Last

Joachim Hagopian As a journalist the singular topic I encounter with increasing frequency each week is exposing how the ruling elites are fixated on deliberately igniting nuclear World War III against Russia and all the rest of us on earth. An ongoing method of delivering potential mass destruction since early March 2022, once the Russian military took control over the largest nuke plant in Europe at the Zaporozyhe NPP, has been threat of a nuclear catastrophe. This perilous predicament has availed itself as the Rothschild Khazarian mafia controllers’ opportunity to…

Joachim Hagopian, Failed Russian Coup Aftermath Exposes West’s Desperation Push to World War III

Joachim Hagopian It’s now a whole week since the failed Prigozhin coup ended and a full week of digging deeper to delve into what really happened based on subsequent developments unfolding in its aftermath. Speculation is off the charts, largely determined by media bias and analytical frame of reference. Western propagandists in corporate media consistently insist that Putin’s hold over Russia has been weakened significantly and, as a result, he is far more vulnerable to yet more unrest than ever before during his entire 20 years in power. A July…

Joachim Hagopian, US Government Possesses Nonhuman Spacecraft and Reverse-Engineered Antigravity Technologies

Joachim Hagopian Huge UFO disclosures this week on a number of fronts. Deep State crimes that have been guarded and kept secret from the public forever are now being dropped daily as major bombshells. Dr. Steven Greer, the head of the UFO Disclosure Project, on Monday June 12th, held an eye-opening national press conference deemed the Historic Disclosure Conference in Washington DC, not so much on alien ET spacecraft as the criminal secret black operations projects that have been going on for over seventy years that include at least 145 crashed…

Joachim Hagopain, Who Caused the Kakhovka Dam Bust? Early Analysis Points to Ukraine

Joachim Hagopian Prior to addressing the major developments this week in Ukraine, a brief historical review provides the contextual background for today’s events. The Rothschild Khazarian mafia/City of London plotted the complete destruction of Western civilization in favor of a multipolar world, run chiefly by emerging geopolitical kingpins Russia (for its unlimited natural resources) and China (as the world’s largest manufacturing base), in covert partnership with the City of London RKM after years earlier secretly courting and grooming both Putin and Xi Jinping’s rise to power. Additionally, a scheme to make Ukraine the next…

Joachim Hagopian, Is the Emerging Multipolar World Same as the Old Unipolar Boss?  

Joachim Hagopian In desperation to entice NATO into the larger war against Russia, Volodymyr Zelensky is stepping up indiscriminate shelling of residential civilian targets inside Russia, along with sending terrorist saboteur incursions into the Belgorod border region of Russia. Last week for the second time within a month, Ukraine apparently unleashed more unmanned aerial drones flying over Moscow. With Kiev’s back against the wall, facing insufficient number of troops, weapons and ammo, knowing defeat is just weeks or at most, months away, the Kiev regime is growing frantic to instigate overreaction by Moscow that the Western propaganda machine can utilize…

Joachim Hagopian, All Roads Are Now Leading to Imminent World War III

Joachim Hagopian An ominous Ukraine war development this week was Putin’s Tuesday announcement that Russia launched a drone strike recently hitting the head of the snake, Ukraine’s intelligence command center headquarters: We’ve been talking about the possibility of striking the ‘decision-making centers.’ Naturally, Ukraine’s military intelligence headquarters falls into such a category, and it was hit two or three days ago. While visiting the African nation of Burundi on Tuesday May 30th, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated: The Western claim that the weapons shipped [to Kiev] must not be used on Russian territory…

Joachim Hagopian, The Parasitic Hunters are Now the Hunted Pedo-Predators

Joachim Hagopian Our common enemy that wants us dead and gone, removed as the latest extinct species from our planet, is a skilled master of divide and conquer as applied through its dialectical Modus Operandi formula – “problem, reaction, solution,” intent on gaining maximum, absolute control over all humanity. Hence, the engineered culture war is spewing all kinds of hatred and conflict between every conceivable way to polarize us, vis-a-vis its hybrid 5th generational warfare between the races, religions, genders, generations, classes and various divisive political ideologues. This is how the…


By Joachim Hagopian Whereas Part 1 of the Epstein-Rothschild nexus focused on revelations exposing the Swiss branch of the banking dynasty in Ariane de Rothschild’s intimate ties with the pedophile, part 2 will examine the late Evelyn and his widowed wife Lynn Forester de Rothschild’s enduring close relationship to both Epstein and Guislaine Maxwell as well as the Clinton crime family. Right after Epstein’s staged jailcell “mishap” in August 2019, conveniently quickly ruled suicide, hardly anyone believes it was anything but another “suicided” murder by the criminal cabal in order to…


By Joachim Hagopian Profiting from the wickedness of human enslavement has literally been ongoing for well over four centuries. The English crown, the Rothschild banking cabal and its City of London cartel headquarters have been guilty of money laundered profiteering from both the long booming trades of trafficking both illegal drugs and human slaves. Since Queen Elizabeth I signed the East India Company charter in 1600, for near half a millennium now, the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire’s organized crime monopoly has been allowed to bountifully flourish virtually unblemished, shielded and protected to this very day,…

Joachim Hagopian, Road to Destruction – 2019 Christchurch Mosque False Flag Shooting & New Zealand’s Strict Gun Control

Joachim Hagopian [Author’s note: Back in 2019 amidst busily writing the 5 Pedophila & Empire books, along came the New Zealand false flag shooting. I wrote about it at the time but never bothered sending it out. Mary Maxwell reminded me earlier today if I ever did anything on it, she would like to know. So I found it and came up with this revised updated edition to piggyback off my last article. Figured with so many US false flag shootings, it seems relevant today.] Recent mass killings in Texas since…