William de Berg, Why Are We So Sick?

William de Berg Until Robert Kennedy, Jr., raised the issue in his 2024 presidential campaign, lost in the morass of discussions on growing income inequality, endless wars, illegal immigration, educational decline, ever-mounting government debt, stagflation, rising crime, etc., was the question of “Why Are Americans So Sick?” While the answer to this question is not entirely self-evident, the fact that we are getting sicker by the decade cannot be denied.  Current life expectancy has remained basically stagnant since 2000, rising from 76.6 years in 2000 to 77.4 years in 2022…

Joachim Hagopian, Synagogue of Satan Owns Trump and His Administration

Joachim Hagopian The list of Trump’s Zionist Israeli Firsters racing to Armageddon in the Middle East keeps growing all week to fulfill the Masonic plot/prophecy of the Zionist vs. Islam World War III nightmare we are all now facing with Trump as the next US president. With some saying that Trump is the anti-Christ, I’m now starting to wonder. Placing two hardcore Zionist neocon Jews Brian Hook and Howard Lutnick in charge of his admin transition team headhunting kosher Jew loyalists with input from Chabad son-in-law Jared Kushner should have clued us in where…

Robert W. Malone, M.D., RFK, Jr. Phoenix Full Speech: Also as Text

A brilliant speech by a true patriot   Sorry to keep everybody waiting. Sixteen months ago, in April of 2023, I launched my campaign for president of the United States. I began this journey as a Democrat, which is the party of my father, and my uncle. It is the party which I pledge my own allegiance to. Long before I was old enough to vote, I attended my first democratic convention at the age of six in 1960, and back then, the Democrats were the champions of the Constitution…

Robert W. Malone, M.D., RF Kennedy Jr and Political Realignment

Robert W. Malone, M.D. It is not merely a speech; it represents the vanguard of a tidal shift I originally wrote much of this on the plane flying to Mexico City for CPAC Mexico. At the time, I did not know the details of the anticipated Kennedy announcement. The event happened while I was in the air, and things are accelerating.  However, I promised our substack readers that I would summarize my thoughts on the implications of the announcement and subsequent Kennedy appearance at the packed Arizona rally with Donald…

William de Berg, Assassination Talk Is in the Air

William de Berg “The protective shield that all democracies and social orders rely on – legitimacy of the governing body, some level of elite responsibility, the willingness of citizens to view their neighbors in a civic way – is in an advanced stage of decline or collapse.  … It’s quite possible that the powder keg that America’s sitting on will explode over the course of 2024.” –  Dr. Larry Jacobs, University of Minnesota [1] 2024 is already starting out as the most volatile in modern presidential history.   The rhetoric—and violence—has…

Laurent Guyenot, Kennedy Assassination: “CIA-Did-It” Theorists Are Covering for Israel

LAURENT GUYÉNOT  [Editor’s note: After 30 years of collaborative research with the best qualified experts to ever study the case, I remain open to alternative interpretations. Here’s my best framework for understanding JFK: I have added some of my presentations here for alternative takes and comparison with the arguments presented , including James Fetzer on JFK’s Assassination Coverup and JFK@60 Minsk Conference.] RFK Jr. and the Unspeakable Dick Russell’s recent biography, The Real RFK Jr.: Trials of a Truth Warrior, contains two chapters on RFK Jr.’s quest for truth on the assassinations…

Patrick J. McShay, Joe Biden: New World Order Crime Boss

Patrick J. McShay “A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gate is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through the alleys, heard in the very halls of government.” — Marcus Tullius Cicero “Once you start censoring you’re on your way to dystopia and totalitarianism” — Robert Kennedy Jr. (testifying in Congress last week) Anyone with a pea-sized…

Paul Gottfried, The Undumpable Biden

By Paul Gottfried Listening to Republican media pundits counting the days until the Dems abandon a scandal-ridden president, I have to wonder what kind of fantasy world these Pollyanna types inhabit. Biden is exactly the kind of figurehead his handlers, whether woke ideologues or Deep State operatives, want as their frontman. Why should they care if Jim Jordan, James Comer, Chuck Grassley or the head of a Ukrainian gas company think that Joe or his ne’er-do-well son is a criminal slimebag? Our corrupt demented titular head of state serves the needs…

Bougiecrats are headed for a fall-of-communism-style collapse

Toby Rogers Sensing defeat they are lashing out in all sorts of weird ways Background and context As far back as 2001, Democratic stalwarts John Judis and Ruy Teixeira began making the case, to anyone who would listen, that demographic trends in the U.S. (e.g. immigration and higher birthrates in the Latino population) would lead to a semi-permanent Democratic majority in government. Their book, The Emerging Democratic Majority created a cottage industry of pollsters and political scientists who showed, with fancy charts and graphs, how Democrats, particularly Progressive Democrats, were about to be in…

RFK Jr. as America’s #1 HIV/AIDS Denier and the Sounds of Media Silence

Ron Unz In this image from video posted on the Children’s Health Defense website on Sunday, Dec. 12, 2021, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., talks about anti-vaccine stickers he’s urging supporters to use. (AP Photo) Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s book attacking Anthony Fauci and the medical establishment has become a publishing sensation, spending more than a full week as the #1 Amazon bestseller and racking up over 2,600 reviews, 94% of them five-star. Now after nearly a month of stunned silence, the American media is finally taking belated notice. This morning…