Joachim Hagopian, As Israel-US Escalate Middle East War, More Staged Kabuki Theater at Home

Joachim Hagopian As predicted, the Zionist Israel controlled Synagogue of Satan Trump administration is deliberately escalating hostilities in the Middle East toward all-out US-Israel World War III against Iran and its Islamic Axis of Resistance in Yemen, Lebanon and Gaza. In recent years, the US has significantly increased its occupying military forces to exceed 40,000 soldiers and seamen spread throughout the West Asia-Middle East region in preparation for yet more Greater Israel Project wars against Islam resistance forces led by Iran. Make no mistake, the US military troops deployed in this volatile region of…

Joachim Hagopian, US Proxy Terrorists, Assad Coup, Zionist Greater Israel Project’s WWIII against Iran/Eastern Powers

Joachim Hagopian The lightning strike takedown of Syria in little more than a week, drew near zero resistance from Syria and its overthrown President Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian head of state entrenched in power the last quarter-century. Thus, to observe his government surrender with so little resistance raises legitimate questions asking whether this “coup” was merely preplanned and staged theater by the usual suspects – US and Israel through yet more terrorist proxies. We’ve seen this bread and circus show many times before. With assistance from cutthroat Turkey, brutal US-Israel…

Joachim Hagopian, As the West Crumbles into Oblivion…

Joachim Hagopian Every major news development this week it seems shares one thing in common – the Synagogue of Satan moneychangers are growing desperate for their Satanic blood sacrifice of the Western goyim population. The EU and NATO have their two most powerful members Germany and France with such weakened, unpopular government leaders with little support from their citizens in growing revolt that their current globalist puppet regimes cannot possibly survive. Former Rothschild agent always-a-Rothschild-agent Emmanuel Macron despite his last rigged election that would have him staying in power until 2027, just…

Joachim Hagopian, Scott Bennett’s Death: Another Truthtelling Whistleblowing Warrior Pays the Ultimate Price

Joachim Hagopian Bennett’s death, coupled with the recent passing of his business partner and close collaborator, Paul Taylor, has raised concerns among those familiar with his work. Both men were described as having deep knowledge of the inner workings of global power structures. Their deaths, occurring within weeks of each other, have led some to question whether there may be a connection or underlying cause beyond natural circumstances.                                            …


By Joachim Hagopian On April 1st  when as Israeli airstrike took out half the Iran embassy compound in Damascus, Syria along with Iran’s top ranking generals and 5 other officers, Israel clearly violated international law (both UN Charter Article 51 and 1961’s Vienna Convention) that protects foreign nations’ embassies, consulates and staff around the world. The targeted slain victims were all invited military advisors stationed in Syria, unlike the illegal US military occupiers refusing to leave both Syria and Iraq. Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei responded by informing Israel and the world that it…

Joachim Hagopian, Israel’s Rafah Ground Invasion – Zionist War Against Islam Is about to Explode

Joachim Hagopian The deadliest ever Israeli bombardment by land, sea and air on Rafah, Gaza Strip’s southernmost border city, took place while America was sidetracked with Superbowl Sunday festivities. On Sunday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went on ABC News “This Week” to announce: Victory is within reach. We’re going to do it. We’re going to get the remaining Hamas terrorist battalions in Rafah, which is the last bastion, but we’re going to do it. Then overnight on Monday February 12th, anywhere from over 100 to 164 Palestinians were reportedly murdered by Israeli attacks. International alarm and condemnation of…

Joachim Hagopian, 11th Hour 59th Minute Doomsday Countdown

Joachim Hagopian Observing disturbing violent events accelerate since January 1st, 2024, it’s obvious that the Rothschild City of London controllers have opted to escalate their global conflict now on steroids. The globalist endgame scheme appears to be plunging the planet into World War III darkness far sooner than later. With near 800 US military outposts covertly operating around the globe, three US soldiers stationed in Jordan near the Syrian border were reportedly killed by another drone attack that biased Western media outlets always insist is an Iran backed proxy militant group. 34 US Air Force and Army soldiers…

Joachim Hagopian, Countdown to Armageddon

Joachim Hagopian Over the October 28-29 weekend, while Hamas escalated its rocket attacks on Israel, the Jewish State launched its initial ground invasion exercising far superior firepower from five different vectors, three from land into Gaza and another by sea combined with nonstop deadly overnight airstrikes. Amidst the ongoing Gaza siege, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) bombardment ostensibly targeted Hamas tunnels, but the reality is hundreds of Palestinian civilians are being slaughtered every single day. On Sunday October 28th, Sputnik revealed the bombshell reporting that three IDF divisions were joined by several US…

Paul Craig Roberts, The Israeli-Hamas Conflict is a Continuation of the 9/11 Plot

Paul Craig Roberts   This is not a conspiracy theory.  It is the most likely explanation we have of the information at this time. The Hamas October 7 attack on Israel was the opening gun of a plot devised by US neoconservatives and Netanyahu to renew the US attack on Hezbollah’s suppliers in behalf of Greater Israel.  Greater Israel is a Zionist belief that Israel comprises the territory from the Nile in Egypt to the Euphrates in Iraq. The purpose of 9/11 was to launch under the guise of a “war on…

John Kaminski, Ruthless Agents of Chaos Desperately Trying to Conquer a Broken World

By John Kaminski The overthrow of civilization has always been their goal, no matter how many corpses it takes to achieve their demonic objective. They don’t even mind killing some of their own to camouflage their guilt in their insane drive to destroy the world and reign over the wreckage of a broken planet. Their heart’s desire, what they’ve always wanted, is plainly visible today in the pulverized landscape, crying children and mutilated corpses of that hell on Earth better known as the Gaza Strip. In all the world’s history,…