Russian report on the first 48 hours of the war: “Hamas expanded the Control Zone inside Israel – Its attack axes & targets”

WARNEWS24/7 [Editor’s note: This report (from Russian sources) has convinced me that the war between Hamas and Israel is real, even though many–including Miles Mathis, for example–are contending that it’s a “false flag”, a psyop and an illusion. While there are lots of reasons to think they could be right, in my opinion, the weight of the evidence suggests this is real–and historic!] Shocking data was released by Russian analysts emphasizing that Hamas, until last night, managed to expand the Control Zone in an attempt to reach Hebron. The maps…

Kevin Barrett, Gazans Break Out of World’s Biggest Concentration Camp

Kevin Barrett Video Link [Editor’s note: There are increasing reasons to believe this may be another “false flag” attack, where Israel itself created Hamas and where the IDF took six hours to respond, which is absurd. An Israeli blogger (and former IDF soldier) says that the Gaza fence is monitored so closely that even the presence of a cat sets off a response in force. SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG HERE. Here’s a detailed discussion of (what appear to be) good reasons to think that this is a staged event to…

Joachim Hagopian, Takedown of America via Lloyd Austin’s West Point Wokism, Challenged by New Lawsuit and His $1 Salary

Joachim Hagopian   US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and West Point have splashed across recent headlines, further damaging the US Military Academy’s pristine reputation as a once honored, hallowed institution. From my own personal experience at West Point, I learned firsthand that this once heralded institution was and still is anything but honorable. At the end of my third year at the Academy, I had to fight for my constitutional due process rights in a New York federal district court to prevent the actions of dishonest officers engaging in command conspiracy from running up…

Jim Fetzer, The Nature of Immorality

Jim Fetzer Suppose a consortium of powerful interests wanted to replace a president with someone whose policies they preferred–and blame it on a patsy. What’s wrong with that? Or suppose the leaders of a foreign nation orchestrated a terrorist act as a rationale for US forces to take out their enemies—at the expense of 3,000 Americans. What’s wrong with that?  Or suppose a US administration decided to fake a mass elementary school shooting to promote its agenda to undermine the 2nd Amendment. What’s wrong with that? While there’s obviously room for debate about the facts–where…

Mark H Gaffney, Did the Plowshares Program Set the Stage for Nuclear Terrorism on September 11?

MARK H. GAFFNEY Skeptics have pointed to the alleged absence of radiation at ground zero as proof that nuclear weapons were not used to demolish the twin towers in New York City on September 11, 2001. This argument, however, is a logical fallacy that can never rise to the level of proof because the alleged absence of radiation is not evidence of its absence. Such thinking is a red herring that, unfortunately, has set back the cause of 9/11 truth by many years. The subject of nukes has been taboo…

Robert Malone, M.D., Propaganda and The US Government:

Robert Malone, M.D. The classic tome “Propaganda,” written in 1928, was an attempt to both alert the public to the power of propaganda; all the while, allying the public’s fear of propaganda. The overall messaging of the book now seems so naïve. One of the core themes and underlying beliefs of the book is that there are elements in society that are not corruptible. As an example, the book ends with the thesis that newspapers are the arbiter of news, thus the editors, writers and owners are the gatekeepers ensuring…

Joachim Hagopian, Another Armenian Ancestral Homeland Lost: Crisis Continues

Joachim Hagopian With catastrophe and crises erupting all over the planet every week like never before, the ongoing horror in Artsakh, the Armenian enclave Stalin a century ago unethically handed over to Azerbaijan as Nagorno-Karabakh, was hit on Tuesday last week with an Azeri “lightning strike” invasion against the heavily outmanned, outgunned Artsakh separatist militia, forced to surrender 24-hours later with another Russian brokered ceasefire. On the day a truce was brokered, Putin declared: Peacekeepers are working very actively with all parties involved in this conflict. They are doing everything to protect…

Mary Maxwell, Time To Overturn Marbury v Madison? Too Bad Scotus Botched 9/11

Mary Maxwell, LL.B., Ph.D. Did the Framers of the US Constitution in 1787 genuinely wrack their brains to come up every possible power-constraining mechanism for citizens to use against an evil government? I don’t know.  But, as I will argue below, any omissions on their part can be filled in by other mechanisms that are present in the Constitution. Don’t give up hope! One huge omission at the Philadelphia Convention in 1787 was the Founders’ failure to raise the question: What if some Americans become so wealthy that they can…

Michael Brenner, US Can’t Deal With Defeat

Michael Brenner In the U.S., the strongest collective memory of America’s wars of choice is the desirability – and ease – of forgetting them. So it will be when we look at a ruined Ukraine in the rear-view mirror, writes Michael Brenner. The United States is being defeated in Ukraine. One could say that it is facing defeat — or, more starkly, that it is staring defeat in the face. Neither formulation is appropriate, though. The U.S. doesn’t look reality squarely in the eye. It prefers to look at the world…

Joachim Hagopian, Godless Globalism is Normalizing Today’s Insanity, Deception, Pedophilia, and Pure Evil

Joachim Hagopian   This presentation attempts to connect the dots to illustrate the myriad of ways that truth and reality, just like humanity itself, are all under unprecedented attack worldwide by the centralized parasitic cabal, especially infesting today’s Western Deep State cancel culture. The bloodline controllers worshipping Satan systematically subvert honesty, open discourse, pursuit and inquiry of truth in their rejection of God’s natural law of justice, rendering these ideals taboo in their upside-down, godless, loveless world. In fact, the elites are all about criminalizing the truth as a means…