Alexander Marlow, 8 Facts that Explain Why the Left Is Terrified of ‘My Son Hunter’

ALEXANDER MARLOW My Son Hunter is a hilarious, feverishly exciting film about the current President of the United States and the “smartest” man he knows. I’m not just singing its praises because this is the first film distributed by Breitbart News. In fact, it’s the inverse: We are distributing this film in large part because it is hilarious and feverishly exciting. Of all the striking qualities of the film – Robert Davi’s slick direction, the talented cast, the timely election-season release, the snappy script – what makes it truly important is…

The 10th Anniversary of the Benghazi Attack Arrives This Sunday, The Events Look Different Against Latest Deep State Revelations

Sundance On Sunday September 11, 2022, it will be the 600th day of Joe Biden in office. It will also be the 10th anniversary of the attack at a U.S. embassy outpost in Benghazi, Libya. The “Benghazi Brief” remains the most in-depth research report CTH has ever produced. The brief took over two years of independent research to construct and contains hundreds of very specific citations supporting it.  Eight years after the brief was originally written in 2014, nothing within the outline has ever been identified as inaccurate. It has…

Joachim Hagopian, The Elephant in Today’s War Room: Casualties of War Wounded and Killed Amidst the Enemy’s Death Jab

Joachim Hagopian 40-something Tulsa, Oklahoma NBC News affiliate anchor Julie Chin suffered a stroke on live TV last Saturday morning. Her story is currently making international headlines. Though mum’s the MSM word on whether Julie received death jabs that likely caused it, those who are half aware realize the lethal danger involved after receiving the COVID non-vaccines, are undoubtedly concluding that Julie Chin is more than likely another death jab victim. Yet you’ll never learn this watching CNN or reading the New York Times. With so much at stake, the corporate media has only doubled…

Roger Kimball, Biden Puts The ‘Total’ In Totalitarianism

Roger Kimball  America has come perilously close to the edge of the point of no return… Joe Biden certainly set the punditocracy abuzz with his neo-totalitarian performance piece at Independence Hall in Philadelphia on Thursday. The significance of that speech can be broken down into three parts, two of which have already received abundant commentary. The first has to do with the theater of the piece, its optics or stagecraft. As many commentators (myself included) noted, the feel of the event was distinctly, and distinctively, bombastic. The melodramatic red lighting, the presence…


By Joachim Hagopian On Tuesday the 31st of August 2022, news out of Russia reported that the first and only president of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, died at the age of 91. As the last Soviet leader, he was responsible for transitioning forward the Soviet Empire breakup to establish the Russian Federation, credited with graciously handling this difficult process known as “perestroika.” As a world stateman, President Mikhail Gorbachev achieved a number of major international accomplishments by virtually anyone’s standards. It was Gorbachev who ended the Cold War and normalized relations…

A second American civil war could start soon

Agnia Krengel  The aggravation of a grandiose social conflict is not far off The second civil war in America may begin soon. Researchers from the University of California at Davis, after conducting a survey of 8620 Americans, revealed an increase in their propensity to violence, writes the Daily Mail. More than 50% of those surveyed agreed with the statement that “there will be a civil war in the United States in the next few years.” The poll revealed “growing alienation and distrust of American democratic society and its institutions.” 18% of…

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LLB, Error Coram Nobis in Bushmaster Gun (Sandy Hook) Case

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LLB I have the impression that the gun industry is now the clutches of the US government. In a recent case in which a gun manufacturer was sued for “its part” in a school shootout, the parties settled for $73 million. I have now approached that Connecticut court to petition for a Writ of Error Coram Nobis. My motive for taking the action below has almost nothing to do with gun rights. It has to do with truth rights. We citizens have a right to see that…

Biden Abolishes Office of President and Names Self Supreme Fuhrer

Babylon Bee BERLIN — During his speech last night, Biden abolished the office of the president and named himself Supreme Fuhrer. “It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to accept this new authority I have given myself”, said the benevolent. ruler. “I love democracy. Once this crisis has abated, I will lay down the powers I have given myself. No, I’m serious. Think about it. Not a joke!” Political dissidents were then rounded up and imprisoned in order to save democracy. The whereabouts of Senator Ted Cruz are…

HUGE BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: FBI Doctored Mar-a-Lago Photo, Added Their Own Docs to Create a Crime Scene that Didn’t Exist

By Joe Hoft The FBI created a fake crime scene at Mar-a-Lago by adding their documents to the scene and doctoring the photo of the scene.  This is against the law. The DOJ responded in a lawsuit by President Trump asking a judge to review the FBI raid of his iconic property Mar-a-Lago.  In the DOJ’s response, the DOJ included a document they claim was taken at Mar-a-Lago. The photo was all over the news on Wednesday, August 31, the day after it was provided to the court.  The Independent made fun…

Gingrich: Biden Committing Greatest-Ever ‘Act of Aggression by an American President Against His Own People’

Newt Gingrich ( – As President Joe Biden excoriates millions of Americans as “MAGA Republicans” “extremists,” “semi-fascists” and threats to democracy — something he’s likely to do again tonight in his so-called “soul of the nation” speech — former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says Biden’s sneering insults stem from “terror.” Gingrich, speaking to Fox News Wednesday night, noted that more than 70 million Americans voted for Donald Trump in the last election. “To have a president of the United States characterize half of his country in the way that Joe…