5th Annual FALSE FLAGS & CONSPIRACIES CONFERENCE (14-15 December 2024)

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. My 5th Annual False Flags & Conspiracies (Virtual) Conference Enjoy from the comfort of your home. Zoom meeting limited to 500. Get your ticket NOW. SPEAKERS & SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Reserve Your Seat Now – Only 500 Seats   ALEXANDER C. BAKER SPEAKER ALEXANDER BAKER holds a Juris Doctorate and possesses a wealth of real-world experience in the extortion racket named the “justice system.” He is President of the Post-Modern Justice Media Project (www.pmjmp.org/) and has…READ MORE BRIAN DAVIDSON SPEAKER BRIAN DAVIDSON, P.I., has been a…

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Motion to Open Judgment Pursuant to Extrinsic Fraud and Fraud Upon the Court

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. Having carried my Sandy Hook case from Dane County Circuit Court to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals (District IV) and the Wisconsin Supreme Court and then going to the United States Supreme Court (all to no avail), it became apparent that my only option was to expose the fraud behind the fraud (the Extrinsic Fraud) and the complicity of the Court and the attorneys for the Plaintiff, Leonard Pozner (the Fraud upon the Court). I had suggested from the beginning that Leonard Pozner was not a real…

4th Annual False Flags & Conspiracies Conference 2023 (16-17 December 2023)

The 4th Annual False Flags & Conspiracies Conference will be held this coming 16-17 December 2023. Unlike past conferences, this will be FREE and broadcast LIVE. We will take questions from the audience following grouped presentations. SATURDAY (9 AM- 1 PM/CT) will feature Ace Baker, Brian Davidson, Fred Leuchter, and Jim Fetzer on false flags and their exposure, with important examples; (1-6 PM/CT) Donald Jeffries, Stephanie Sledge, and Meryl Nass on COVID, Trump, and biological warfare; (5-1` PM/CT) Giuseppe Vafangulo, Joachim Hagopian, Rima Laibow, and Jack Mullen on kill shots, genocide against the human race, questioning the WHO, and freedom & privacy. For background, download LAW ENFORCEMENT FALSE…

Joachim Hagopian, Maine’s Gun Grabbing False Flag Shooting Exposed

Joachim Hagopian [Editor’s note: I have added exposes of several “false flags” with Brian Davidson, P.I., from Houston, TX. See our “Law Enforcement False Flag/Staged Event Checklist” and share it with your friends and colleagues.] Yet another US mass shooting in the United States. Tragically these incidents, if they’re even real, are a regular recurring, now permanent fixture in America with virtually all of them eventually exposed as gun-grabbing false flags. But this one’s was hyped up as one of the deadliest in the northernmost New England State of Maine, a state…

THE REAL HISTORY CHANNEL: Jim Fetzer Explores the Sandy Hook Psyop

Jim Fetzer Explores the Sandy Hook Psyop The book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, was banned by Amazon [Editor’s note: For the original or to send comments about this article to Mike King, click here.] Yours truly will be appearing this Wednesday (July 12) at 12 EST on Jim Fetzer‘s “The Raw Deal” show at Revolution Radio. Veteran conspiracy analysts will recall the Professor of the Philosophy of Science from Minnesota U for his early 9/11 Trutherism. His academic activism on the subject was so informed and effective that he eventually drew fire from…


LIVE Conference (3-4 December 2022) CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR TICKETS  Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Program Chair Welcome to the 3rd annual False Flags & Conspiracies Conference (2022), to be broadcast LIVE 3-4 December 2022. The nation has been gripped by conspiracies, including the theft of the 2020 election, the production of a (fake) pandemic and a real (but deadly) vax, sabotaging the nation’s energy independence by cancelling the XL pipeline, the transgender movement (where parents have no say over the sex of their child), Congressional funding of the most corrupt country…

Uvalde Families to Sue Gun Manufacturer, Gun Store as Part of Massive $27 Billion Lawsuit

Adam Salazar Lawsuit will also list Uvalde city and county police, the Texas Rangers, the Texas Department of Public Safety and the US Border Patrol as defendants. [Editor’s note: Brian Davidson, P.I., with whom I authored the LAW ENFORCEMENT FALSE FLAG / STAGED EVENT CHECKLIST (which you can download here), discuss the Uvalde “school shooting” event, which appears to be modeled after Sandy Hook: Brian Davidson, P.I., and I discuss the Uvalde “school shooting” (1 July 2022) Instead of shooting his mother, he shoots is grandmother, and instead of shooting…

BeforeItsNews.com: James Fetzer: How to Spot a False Flag – A False Flag Checklist. Report + Video 

BeforeItsNews.com [Editor’s note: Having had to create a new blog at jameshfetzer.org because the Pozner team redirected jamesfetzer.org to court documents, not all of the links to videos are presented here, but they are all working at the original blog at beforeitsnews.com. I am ecstatic they have published this, something like “Jim Fetzer’s All Time Hits”! And it comes at a welcome time when James Tracy, Sofia Smallstorm, Wolfgang Halbig, and I are being savaged during the Alex Jones Show Trial!] James Fetzer is one of the Most Censored Men…

REVISED: Sandy Hook Parents to Testify Against Alex Jones, and a Culture of Lies (with Analysis)

Elizabeth Williamson [Editor’s note: Elizabeth Williamson has mastered the art of special pleading by selecting the evidence that agrees with a predetermined conclusion and eliminating the rest. You will not find her addressing the (staged) photos in the parking lot, for example, which prove that they rearranged the kids to get “a better shot”, the FBI Consolidated Crime Report for 2012, which shows no murders or non-negligent manslaughters in Newtown (of which Sandy Hook is a part), or the FEMA Manual for a “mass casualty exercise involving children”, which you can download as a PDF here. Nor…

Alex Jones Calls Out ‘Murder of Due Process’ at Sandy Hook Show Trial

Jim Fetzer Alex Jones’ appears to be getting the same treatment I received in the lawsuit brought against me by the man who calls himself “Leonard Pozner”, whom I am convinced is a legal fiction played by Reuben Vabner, who came to Madison and testified under oath. Everything about my trial was wrong, as I explain in detail (below). Now they are taking my blog on Thursday at 5 PM/CT to make sure that I am unable to contribute to explaining what’s going on here and how the law has…