Joachim Hagopian In a Friday February 23rd interview, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg announced his greenlight to Ukraine using its latest Western weapon – F-16 fighter jets to target sites deep inside Russia as yet the latest disturbing provocation, prodding Moscow to attack Europe to start World War III. The West’s constant strategy luring and instigating Russia into a wider war with NATO is so diabolically despicable. First, NATO is weak having depleted its arsenal on the long-lost cause of Ukraine. It is no match for Russia. Applying constant overt aggression, Western puppets are…


Joachim Hagopian   [Editor’s note: Joachim Hagopian & Omar Khan on The Dean Mackin Show – 05 January 2024 | TNT Radio On today’s show, Joachim Hagopian discusses the release of Epstein documents. Later in the show, Omar Khan discusses the pandemic response in 30 days and revisits the topic of Epstein.] Back channels between Iran supporting the Shiite Houthis and Saudi Sunni supported puppet government in Yemen through the United Nations just revealed the 9-year Yemini “civil war” is coming to an end with a brokered peace plan. With reports that…

Joachim Hagopian, Per Puppet Master Plan, US Warship Attacked & Pentagon Boss Austin Slides Us Closer to WW III 

Joachim Hagopian For a look at what the Mainstream Media is reporting, my convenient go-to source is typically Yahoo News that never fails to showcase all the biggest fake news outlets’ latest scripted lies. I ran across the eye-opening click bait headline “Pentagon head rips those advocating ‘American retreat from responsibility,’” featuring a photo of my old West Point squad mate I supervised 51 years ago, the current US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III. I clicked to draw a closer look at the Sunday December 3rd Associated Press headline declaring “Defense head calls out…

Joachim Hagopian, Takedown of America via Lloyd Austin’s West Point Wokism, Challenged by New Lawsuit and His $1 Salary

Joachim Hagopian   US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and West Point have splashed across recent headlines, further damaging the US Military Academy’s pristine reputation as a once honored, hallowed institution. From my own personal experience at West Point, I learned firsthand that this once heralded institution was and still is anything but honorable. At the end of my third year at the Academy, I had to fight for my constitutional due process rights in a New York federal district court to prevent the actions of dishonest officers engaging in command conspiracy from running up…

William de Berg, Can the West Strike Back?

William de Berg In 2000, Russia was flat on its back after the fall of the Soviet Union and the rape of its economy by Western-backed oligarchs, while China was still emerging from decades of impoverishment created by disastrous communist economic policies.    Western companies were pervading each nation, and unrest funded by Western intelligence agencies was popping up all around them. But by 2020 China was the leading trading partner to over 80% of the world and at the forefront of most technological fields, while Russia and China were both…

Joachim Hagopian, Is the Emerging Multipolar World Same as the Old Unipolar Boss?  

Joachim Hagopian In desperation to entice NATO into the larger war against Russia, Volodymyr Zelensky is stepping up indiscriminate shelling of residential civilian targets inside Russia, along with sending terrorist saboteur incursions into the Belgorod border region of Russia. Last week for the second time within a month, Ukraine apparently unleashed more unmanned aerial drones flying over Moscow. With Kiev’s back against the wall, facing insufficient number of troops, weapons and ammo, knowing defeat is just weeks or at most, months away, the Kiev regime is growing frantic to instigate overreaction by Moscow that the Western propaganda machine can utilize…

William de Berg, Roll Over, Rocky!

William de Berg “The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” – David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2003, p. 405. It was September 1991, the moment of President George H Bush’s address to the United Nations proclaiming a “New World Order”.[1]    The Western globalist elites were basking in the belief they had finally achieved their dream of conquering the world.   The Soviet Union, the postwar archenemy of the U.S., was in the process of dissolution, brought on by its…

5 reasons to believe the global population is already one billion people less than it was in January 2020 The general consensus was that there were 7.84 billion people on Earth in January 2020. The United Nations reported that the global population eclipsed the 8 billion mark in November 2022. As of publishing, Worldometer has the current global population at 8.028 billion. There have been 40 million births and 20 million deaths, for a net population growth of 20 million thus far in 2023, according to the same source. The only people who believe any of the foregoing also believe that men are really women, and vaccines are safe and effective.…


Joachim Hagopian On March 17th, the International Criminal Court in Hague issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin based on his so-called “war crimes.” This is the same criminal court that ignored Reiner Fuellmich’s open and shut case presenting all the evidence against the elites’ global conspiracy to commit a fake COVID pandemic to sinisterly induce panic in the world population in order to premeditatedly inject billions with bioweapon poisons proven to kill millions across the planet. Pretending to be blind to hardcore criminal evidence and then a year later falsely accuse…

Joachim Hagopian, Is Dutch Provincial Election an Ides of March Victory for Farming Community? Or the Globalists?

Joachim Hagopian If you want to know where the United States is fast headed in record time, just look at the abysmal state that Europe currently finds itself in. Potential world war spreading beyond Ukraine’s border, severe supply chain energy and food shortages, deindustrialization, record high cost of living spikes, runaway inflation and imminent economic collapse, starting with the impending fall of teetering Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank. If you live anywhere in the West, a one world government agenda is spreading its cancer to a country and neighborhood near you as overt…