Karsten Riise, Ukraine and Russia: History Matters

Jonas E. Alexis Saying that Russia is invading Ukraine is like saying that the United States is invading California. JEA: I have said over and over that saying that Russia is invading Ukraine is like saying that the United States is invading California. This recent article gives some good reasons as to why this is the case. What is Ukraine? This is a difficult question. Russia was born in Kiev. by Karsten Riise The first historic Russian empire was Kievan-Rus, which was founded by the Vikings and King Rurik, who sailed…

Joachim Hagopian, ‘Trust the Plan Bro,’ but for How Long? White Hats and Trump Aren’t Saving Us as America Is Destroyed

Joachim Hagopian After listening to 40-minutes of host Sarah Westall recently interviewing author, attorney and economist Wayne Jett, I feel compelled to write this article. As a fellow interviewee with Wayne a few years back on Kevin Barrett’s 2-hour Truth Jihad internet broadcast and as an hourlong guest myself on Sarah Westall’s  podcast 4-years ago, I have immense respect for both Wayne and Sarah as courageous truth spreaders. A recent Wayne Jett piece dated February 19, 2022 entitled “Military Saves Constitution: Defeat of Insurrection Progresses,” boldly asserts that President Donald Trump during his final…

James Corbett, A Brief History of Hopium (Not to be confused with Reality)

James Corbett With all these decades and—in the case of the oldest democracies—centuries of broken political promises, you’d think that the public would have caught on to the game by now. But, if anything, recent events have revealed that people are becoming more addicted to this politician-peddled hopium even as the lies and broken promises become ever more ridiculous. . . . Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube or Download the mp4 For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version…

Why is Trump given a hall pass on killer injections?

By News Editors The “vaccines” now being forced on the global population are shaping up to be perhaps the most successful eugenics program in human history, and the scam of the century is that these shots are being sold as a treatment that will keep you healthy, wink, wink. Even the CDC has admitted the injections have failed to prevent people from getting the very virus it purports to “protect” us from. Nor have they stopped people from being hospitalized and they certainly haven’t stopped the spread. Many of the…

Candace Owens Reconciles President Trump Vaccine Position by Saying “He’s Old” and “Doesn’t Use the Internet”…

Sundance  Candace Owens likely felt some need to follow up on her interview with President Trump due to overwhelming opinion of Trump’s vaccine position.  Unfortunately, she attempts to reconcile President Trump’s position by casting aspersions toward him [Daily Mail Article]. Mrs. Owens reconciles President Trump’s support for the three COVID-19 vaccines by saying he’s too old to understand the troublesome vaccine information and doesn’t use the internet for his research.   WATCH: President Trump’s position on the vaccines –as a tool in the arsenal to combat the pandemic– is essentially unremarkable. …

Israel pushes U.S. into ‘aggressive posture toward Iran that could spiral into war’ — but mainstream press is indifferent

BY PHILIP WEISS Trump says, Netanyahu was ‘willing to fight Iran to the last American soldier.’ That ought to be big news, as Israel’s defense minister gets unrivaled access in D.C. to threaten war and block the U.S. path to a new Iran deal. ISRAELI DEFENSE MINISTER BENNY GANTZ MEETS WITH U.S. DEFENSE SECRETARY LLOYD AUSTIN, DEC. 20, 2021. FROM GANTZ’S TWITTER FEED. You have heard the news that the talks to revive the Iran deal are apparently on life support in Vienna. The United States claims Iran has moved the goalposts. And…

Israel to Attack Iran? Washington Gives the Green Light to the ‘Military Option’

Phil Geraldi [Editor’s note: My opinion has long been that Israel–and the media it controls–went all-in for Biden/Harris because, even though he had been extremely generous to the Jewish state, Donald Trump was not willing to attack Iran. That now has become apparent, where the Biden body-double has authorized a military attack by Israel on Iran. I must say that, if this goes forward, the outcome may not be at all what the Zionist masters had in mind.]   Some might recall candidate Joe Biden’s pledge to work to rejoin…

Representative Thomas Massie Questions AG Merrick Garland About FBI Agents and Informants Participating and Agitating in January 6, DC Protest

Sundance  [Editor’s note: For those who haven’t seen what happened up-close-and-personal, this 21-minute video of the scene at the time should bring you up-to-date:   Now take a look at how Rep. Thomas Massie took the Attorney General apart for his evasive testimony.] During a House Judiciary Committee hearing today, Representative Thomas Massie questioned Attorney General Merrick Garland about FBI agents and possible FBI informants planted in the crowd in DC to organize events. Within the questioning, Massie presented Garland with a picture of Ray Epps, a former leader with the…

20th Observance of 9/11: Thierry Meyssan got it right!

Thierry Meyssan Today everything agrees with Thierry Meyssan [Editor’s note: When Thierry Meyssan published “Hunt the Boeing!” and Pentagate (2002), he was making the key point that no Boeing 757 had hit the Pentagon, which meant that, as the US military command-and-control center, the entire 9/11 operation had to be a fraud. He was right about that, where I have embedded the results of collaborative research by members of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, which I founded, as confirmation across the board.’] By questioning the official version of the September 11…

How Trump’s Vaccines Prevent the Great Reset and Save Humanity

StopWorldControl.com Any informed person in this world is fully aware of the severe health risks posed by vaccines. Especially a rushed, untested experimental biological agent, that is falsely marketed as a vaccine, activates all the alarm bells within the educated part of humanity. Naturally many patriots are severely worried, when they see a prominent leader of the worldwide freedom movement, Donald Trump, push these terrifying medical experiments. For those who never trusted Trump, this is undeniable evidence for what they have been saying all along: ‘See, he is part of the…