Robert Steele: Synagogue False Flag — BULLSHIT — FEMA Legalized Lies

Hospital Says No Bodies; Patsy Joined Gab In January — Destruction of Gab Planned by ADL from January Robert David STEELE Vivas ORIGINAL POST I don’t believe it.  If it is a real shooter, he is programmed and most likely programmed by the Mossad on the orders of Benjamin Netanyahu.  As we now know from a review of all past false flags, the Zionists are more than happy to kill their own (Argentina, Jewish community center) as well as Americans (USS Cole, USS Liberty, 9/11). Their objective: to legalize the…

FALSE FLAG MASS SHOOTING: Pittsburgh Synagogue Targeted by Deep State with Another White Male Patsy

Another White Male Patsy Set Up To Demonize the Right We will never know if this alleged shooting even took place because of the highly radioactive target and circumstances Recommended reading: Is the synagogue shooting yet another hoax where nobody died or just a false flag psyop? State of the Nation Remember, it’s still October so there’s plenty of time for more “October Surprises”.  Like today in Pittsburgh PA. What distinguishes this particular false flag mass shooting from all the others is that a synagogue was quite deliberately targeted. Make no…