Moon of Alabama « Palestine Open Thread 2024-092 | Main March 28, 2024 At The UN It Is A Rogue U.S. Against The Rest Of The World Ted Snider asks: Is America a Rogue Superpower? “Unipolar” used to mean that the United States was, at least in theory, alone in leading the world. Now “unipolar” means that the United States is alone and isolated in opposition to the world. Snider refers to the recent UN Security Council resolution 2728 which “demands” a ceasefire in Gaza and “demands” a release of hostages and “demands” the…
Category: blog
Scott Bennett: Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, and The End of Empire
Scott Bennett GTI-There is a very close relationship between the Ukraine and Gaza wars. US-Nato and Israel are one unit. Both want to weaken Russia and Palestine. The US used neo-Nazi terror groups to replace the rulers in Ukraine with US puppets in 2014. The Russian-speaking Ukrainian community was persecuted and terrorized, such as in the Donbash region. US-Nato is using Ukraine and creating conditions (which will make Ukraine a member of Nato) that will seriously threaten Russia’s security. However, this effort actually weakens the US and Nato. Meanwhile, in…
Joachim Hagopian Last Friday evening of March 22nd, a horrific terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall concert venue near Moscow murdered at least 133 Russian people, with over 120 more wounded. Within the first 24-hours after this egregious violence, Russian authorities arrested and detained eleven potential suspects that included the four alleged terrorist gunmen. In his address to the nation, President Vladimir Putin said that the terrorists were captured in Bryansk, Russia near the Ukraine border attempting to escape through “a window” provided by Ukrainian collaborators. In Putin’s words: They [terrorist] tried…
Larry Johnson, Terrorist Attack in Moscow — Who Did It?
LARRY JOHNSON On the “Usual Suspects” list we have Ukraine and we have ISIS. A good case can be made for both. I am posting three videos — some of it is repetitive — that discusses the attack and the very odd behavior of the Biden Administration. Let’s go through the chronology of events. On March 7 US Embassy Moscow issued the following alert: The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid…
Jim Fetzer, New Book Nails How JFK was Taken Out in Dallas
Jim Fetzer A new book by David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., and Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., The Assassination of JFK: The Final Analysis (2024), was published on 8 March 2024 and had sold 4,000 copies by 15 March (“The Ides of March”), which reflects the public’s thirst for truth about the death of our 35th President. David and I began collaborating in 1992 in the wake of Oliver Stone’s magisterial film, “JFK”, which presents the most accurate, complete, and detailed account of what actually happened in Dealey Plaza on 22 November 1963 ever offered…
Keith Rodgers, Experts Across the Globe Weigh In on Putin’s Re-election Victory
Keith Rodgers Knowing what I know studying the CIA for years, it actually brought a tear to my eye to see what others are saying about the Russian Election. I’m not into politics as you know, I only look at what America once was, and see all that is lost. I can’t find one US Politician who cares about Americans over caring more about their lobbyists or Israel first. Experts across the globe weigh in on Putin’s re-election victory: American economist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: “The turnout is high because…
Joachim Hagopian, West Point’s ‘Army Values’: Build Back Better ‘Woke’ Replaces ‘Duty, Honor, Country’
Joachim Hagopian On Monday March 11th the US Military Academy at West Point announced that its Mission Statement was changed, excluding the words “Duty, Honor, Country.” It didn’t take long for the adverse reaction. By the end of the Friday work week, Associated Press and many mainstream outlets ran the headline: Duty, Honor, Outrage: Change to West Point’s Mission Statement Sparks Controversy The famous words “Duty, Honor, Country” remain West Point’s motto, but its overt deletion in the Mission Statement drew shockwaves of disapproval and protest from both military veterans and American citizens. Those…
Joachim Hagopian, Today’s Breaking Scandals: From Boeing Whistleblower Silenced to Human Data Harvesting Crimes
Joachim Hagopian 62-year-old John Burnett, a Boeing employee for 32 years who from 2010 to 2017 was a quality control manager, soon turned whistleblower after he witnessed unsafe standards. Just prior to his recent death, Barnett was providing deposition testimony exposing his former employer’s alleged shoddy production quality. He was recently found dead in his truck in another apparent “suicided” case. The press reported the Charleston County coroner’s office claimed his cause of death to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Cui bono? Boeing obviously has the most means and most motive…
AMERICAN BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION: Here’s how you know when they’re crossing the Rubicon
State of the Nation BE AWARE! These are the two primary drivers of the long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution. #1 “All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.” — George Orwell Which means that we are literally moments to midnight in light of all the naked fraud and outright criminality and brazen corruption that has been exposed throughout the U.S. Federal Government. In point of fact , the American people have never seen so much proven government malfeasance and reckless grifting…
Patrick J. McShay, The New World Order Isn’t Coming Folks, It’s Here!
Patrick J. McShay “People don’t know the value of what they’ve got until it’s gone. Freedom repressed and again regained bites with keener fangs than freedom never endangered…Liberty is rendered even more precious by the recollection of servitude. Don’t wait until freedom, is gone before you enjoy, value, support, protect, and make the most of it” Marcus Tullius Cicero – Roman orator and writer who spoke passionately against tyrants and was murdered…