William de Berg, Roll Over, Rocky!

William de Berg “The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” – David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2003, p. 405. It was September 1991, the moment of President George H Bush’s address to the United Nations proclaiming a “New World Order”.[1]    The Western globalist elites were basking in the belief they had finally achieved their dream of conquering the world.   The Soviet Union, the postwar archenemy of the U.S., was in the process of dissolution, brought on by its…

Gholemreza Montazami, Who is America’s Greater Enemy, Israel or Iran?

Gholemreza Montazami [Editor’s note: The author is a Retired Iranian Diplomat and General Director of the International New Horizon Organization, which sponsors international conferences in Tehran that bring together scholars and public intellectuals from around the world to address problems of mutual interest and concern, where I participated there in 2014. As I frequently emphasize, Iran is a peaceful nation that has not launched a war of aggression against any other state since 1775. Would the United States had such a record, where the US and Israel, alas, are the…

The Saker, What could happen next if the USA rejects the Russian ultimatum?

The Saker  There is a lot of discussions going on about what Russia might do if the West ignores the Russian ultimatum.  All I propose to do here is just share a few thoughts with you.  This is not an thorough analysis, but only some musings of mine about what I hear. First, Putin is both very predictable and, at the same time, very unpredictable.  The predictable thing about Putin is that he only uses force when there is no other option left.  The very unpredictable thing about Putin is…

Philip Geraldi, A Killing in Iran: Who Gains from Yet Another Assassination?

Philip Giraldi   It is not often that one can agree with the pronouncements made by former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John Brennan, but his tweeted comment on the killing of Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh suggesting that the incident “…was a criminal act & highly reckless. It risks lethal retaliation & a new round of regional conflict. Iranian leaders would be wise to wait for the return of responsible American leadership on the global stage & to resist the urge to respond against perceived culprits” was both restrained and reasonable. Or…

Doug Bandow, Trump Must Understand a War With Iran Would Be Hell

by Doug Bandow Key point: The entire Middle East could go up in flames. Sixteen years ago, the George W. Bush administration manipulated intelligence to scare the public into backing an aggressive war against Iraq. The smoking gun mushroom clouds that National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice warned against didn’t exist, but the invasion long desired by neoconservatives and other hawks proceeded. Liberated Iraqis rejected U.S. plans to create an American puppet state on the Euphrates and the aftermath turned into a humanitarian and geopolitical catastrophe which continues to roil the Middle East. Thousands…