Joachim Hagopian Prior to addressing the major developments this week in Ukraine, a brief historical review provides the contextual background for today’s events. The Rothschild Khazarian mafia/City of London plotted the complete destruction of Western civilization in favor of a multipolar world, run chiefly by emerging geopolitical kingpins Russia (for its unlimited natural resources) and China (as the world’s largest manufacturing base), in covert partnership with the City of London RKM after years earlier secretly courting and grooming both Putin and Xi Jinping’s rise to power. Additionally, a scheme to make Ukraine the next…
Tag: City of London
By Joachim Hagopian Profiting from the wickedness of human enslavement has literally been ongoing for well over four centuries. The English crown, the Rothschild banking cabal and its City of London cartel headquarters have been guilty of money laundered profiteering from both the long booming trades of trafficking both illegal drugs and human slaves. Since Queen Elizabeth I signed the East India Company charter in 1600, for near half a millennium now, the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire’s organized crime monopoly has been allowed to bountifully flourish virtually unblemished, shielded and protected to this very day,…
Joachim Hagopian, Are Putin and Xi City of London’s Controlled Opposition or Leaders Rising Up in a Multipolar World?
Joachim Hagopian With each passing day and week, it becomes glaringly more obvious that the planetary overlords that control the centralized Rothschild banking cartel and World Economic Forum, along with their other usual suspect partners, the Rockefeller and black nobility bloodlines, including the English and European royals, ruling over the unholy trinity of the City of London-Washington DC–Vatican as the longstanding power base on earth, are now making their final stand intending to provoke nuclear world war in Ukraine and Taiwan. The stage has been set by globalist design for a weakening, soon destroyed West, freefalling in decline to…
Joachim Hagopian, War Against Humanity Reaching the Boiling Point of No Return
Joachim Hagopian The Georgia Guidestones are destroyed, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is forced to resign, the longest serving Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is allegedly assassinated, the head of OPEC suddenly dies at 63 with no explanation, angry mobs stormed the Columbo capital forcing the resignation of Sri Lanka’s second president in less than two months, and a quarter of Canada’s internet goes down for 19 hours. Every single one of these staggering world events all fatedly co-occurring within a 24-36 hour stretch from Thursday to Friday last week, can’t all be by pure coincidence. Noteworthy also – all these decisive…
Joachim Hagopian, Ukraine, World War III and Elites’ Engineered ‘Perfect Storm’ of Human Genocide… Or Their Swan Song
Joachim Hagopian Some of Europe’s largest energy companies have recently broken rank, for purposes of survival opting to comply with Vladimir Putin’s demand to buy Russian gas in rubles, which has doubled in value since puppet Biden per his puppetmasters’ imposed sanctions to “hurt” Russia. In response to enforced sanctions ostensibly designed to destroy the Russian economy, Putin immediately slapped on the condition that all future trade with his gas and oil rich nation must be transacted either in rubles or gold. And his latest is a proclamation refusing regardless to do trade…