Joachim Hagopian, The Stage Is Set: Apocalyptic Countdown to One World Government

Joachim Hagopian Donald Trump’s a stooge for the Greater Israel Project, owned and operated by the City of London Rothschild bloodline founder of Israel. His assembled  Synagogue of Satan crew is the most pro-Israel cabinet in all of US history, and in the near two months since he’s taken office, he’s clearly demonstrated he’s Make Israel Great Again and as a fraud not a MAGA man at all. Look at his Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, who was so emotionally moved when he visited the site in Jerusalem where today’s Al-Aqsa mosque stands, not in any deference whatsoever…

Joachim Hagopian, Trump Changing War Dynamics over Ukraine – Peace or More Conflict?

By Joachim Hagopian Regarding US movement to disengage from its long-lost cause of its proxy war in Ukraine, unlike four years of Biden, President Donald Trump is now at least talking to Russian President Vladimir Putin. On Wednesday February 12th Trump held a 90-minute phone conversation with Putin discussing a peace resolution. It’s the first conversation between a US president and the Russian president in three years. After the conversation, on his Truth Social platform, Trump wrote that among other things the two discussed: The great benefit that we will someday have in working together.…

Martin Armstrong, Why & When NATO Treaty Should be Terminated to Prevent WWIII

Martin Armstrong   The heart of the North Atlantic Treaty is Article 5, which contains two major problems. Yes, Article 5 proclaims that an attack on any member of the Alliance will be considered an attack on all. To justify a full NATO response, it is imperative that any member of NATO create some sort of event to claim that Russia has attacked them. This is why rouge member The Netherlands is acting like a rouge state, doing everything it can to create World War III by allowing long-range missiles to be used to attack and…

Joachim Hagopian, The Real Jewish Problem, Part 3: 1951 Exposé The Iron Curtain over America Foresaw Today’s Nightmarish Future

Joachim Hagopian Parts 1 and 2 of this series exposing the two biggest Khazarian mafia lies leading humanity to teeter on the edge of extinction, both biblical lies falsely justify Israel’s very existence at the literal expense of Palestine’s disappearance. Israeli citizens are neither the birthright descendants of Judea nor the rightful claimants of a dubious ancient temple again at the literal expense of the Islam’s enshrined Al-Aqsa Mosque’s disappearance. Using historical lies and omissions to pretend to be Semites in order to obliterate the real biblical Semites will no longer be tolerated…

Joachim Hagopian, The Real Jewish Problem: Khazarian Mafia Rules Earth through Deception, Planned Chaos & Destruction, Part 2

Joachim Hagopian 97.5% of the Jewish citizens of Israel have zero lineage traceable to the Semitic Hebrews of ancient Judea and Israel in the Bible. Jews weren’t even called Jews until the 18th century. In our upside-down world, Semitic Hebrews of the Bible are actually the Palestinian victims today being slaughtered by the non-Semitic Ashkenazi Jews, descended from the onetime Kingdom of Khazar that converted to Judaism back in the 8th century. Between the 7th and 10th centuries, the Khazar Empire apparently flourished in what is now Ukraine, the Eurasian steppes region of southern Russia, stretching eastward to Kazakhstan, occupying…

Joachim Hagopian, The Genocidal Knot around Humanity’s Neck Tightens Every Year

Joachim Hagopian Transcript of Joachim Hagopian’s Presentation at James Fetzer’s 5th Annual 2024 False Flags & Conspiracy Conference This is my third year in a row I’ve been highlighting this ultimate crime of the ages – human genocide – on Jim’s annual False Flag Conference, and every year I come back reporting that it’s only growing worse and more overt each passing year. The standard legal definition of genocide ratified by 153 UN member nations as of April 2022, emerges from the 1948 Genocide Convention to mean any of the following…

Joachim Hagopian, US Proxy Terrorists, Assad Coup, Zionist Greater Israel Project’s WWIII against Iran/Eastern Powers

Joachim Hagopian The lightning strike takedown of Syria in little more than a week, drew near zero resistance from Syria and its overthrown President Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian head of state entrenched in power the last quarter-century. Thus, to observe his government surrender with so little resistance raises legitimate questions asking whether this “coup” was merely preplanned and staged theater by the usual suspects – US and Israel through yet more terrorist proxies. We’ve seen this bread and circus show many times before. With assistance from cutthroat Turkey, brutal US-Israel…

Joachim Hagopian, As the West Crumbles into Oblivion…

Joachim Hagopian Every major news development this week it seems shares one thing in common – the Synagogue of Satan moneychangers are growing desperate for their Satanic blood sacrifice of the Western goyim population. The EU and NATO have their two most powerful members Germany and France with such weakened, unpopular government leaders with little support from their citizens in growing revolt that their current globalist puppet regimes cannot possibly survive. Former Rothschild agent always-a-Rothschild-agent Emmanuel Macron despite his last rigged election that would have him staying in power until 2027, just…

William de Berg, Death and Dying—The Five Stages of NATO Grief

William de Berg Swiss psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross did extensive research on the psychological acceptance of mortality in her famous book on “Death and Dying” [1]. She concluded  that, when facing death, there are five main stages: 1) denial, when we refuse to accept that our death is imminent; 2) anger, when we begin to realize the truth of our demise and need someone or something to blame; 3) bargaining, when we realize we’re out of time and offer to do anything (often agreeing to healthy choices that were dismissed previously);…

Joachim Hagopian, Nuclear Doomsday’s Dead Hand Walking…

Joachim Hagopian This year’s ongoing pattern of two active regional wars threatening to expand into global conflicts, alternately taking wag-the-dog turns as elites’ bread and circus theater for the wary masses, has yet again suddenly shifted worldwide focus to the Middle East and the Hezbollah-Israel ceasefire that took effect Wednesday November 27th. While The New York Times inverts reality with the headline “A Battered and Diminished Hezbollah Accepts a Cease-Fire,” with Israel running out of gas and will, it grabbed full global attention in order to purposely obscure the most foreboding flareup…