Philip Geraldi, Putting an End to Zelensky’s Follies

By Philip Giraldi One week ago, the Ukrainian government may have deliberately attacked neighbor Poland in an attempt to draw the NATO alliance into its war with Russia. The incident involved a missile that hit a grain processing site inside Poland and killed two farmers. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky immediately blamed Russia for the incident even though he surely must have known that the missile had been fired from Ukraine, meaning that he may have been using a so-called “false flag” to create a false narrative of what had occurred. He…

Donald Jeffries, The Illegitimate Bastard Child America 2.0

Donald Jeffries [Editor’s note: Pat Shannon at INI World Report observes, “You and I and a few million others have thought it, but nobody has said it better that Donald Jeffries. Any tracker of true history will quickly grasp his message. Therefore, we make him our guest editorialist for the month of December.” I am delighted that he will be among my featured speakers at my 3rd annual False Flags & Conspiracies Virtual Conference 2022 this coming weekend.] I know of several anarchists who read and enjoy my work. There…

ZeroHedge, Fauci’s 7-Hour Deposition: What We Know So Far

BY TYLER DURDEN SUNDAY, NOV 27, 2022 – 09:30 PM Via The Brownstone Institute, The transcript is not yet available and no reporters were allowed. But from the Attorneys General who brought the suit, the plaintiffs in the case and their attorney, and other parties to the lawsuit against the Biden administration, we have some information about the deposition provided by Anthony “I am the Science” Fauci. He has been the face of the pandemic response and stands accused of colluding with Big Tech to suppress dissent in violation of the…

Joachim Hagopian, Normalizing Pedophilia and Diagnosing Dissidents as Mentally Ill

Joachim Hagopian The latest case of a fashion company caught attempting to normalize pedophilia is Balenciaga busted this week for displaying two very small young child models holding teddy bears in bondage. BDSM kink deemed so chic in high society circles apparently is the targeted audience of this high-end luxury fashion house headquartered in France when it displayed its spring 2023 line of teddy bear apparel. One campaign ad photo depicted a toddler lying face down on a couch with candles, empty wine glasses and a dog collar on a coffee table.…

Paul Craig Roberts, The Suppression of Free Speech Has Close to Majority Support in America

Paul Craig Roberts Almost every minute of every day I see overwhelming evidence of America’s collapse as a free country.  Elon Musk conducted a poll on whether Twitter should allow President Trump to use the social media platform. Fifteen million people responded.  51.8% of the respondents said “yes,” but almost an equal number 48.2% said “no.”  In other words, almost half of the 15 million social media users who responded to the poll oppose free speech for a former president of the United States. No doubt, being as indoctrinated as they are,…

State of the Nation, The Khazarian Cabal vs. President John F. Kennedy: A Fight to the Death

Revisionist Historians for World Peace SOTN Exclusive [Editor’s note: My collaborative research similarly posits eight (8) shooters in Dealey Plaza, but in a slightly different arrangement. If we distinguish between the SPONSORS, the FACILITATORS, and the MECHANICS, then each of the SPONSORS appears to have put up its own shooter, including Lyndon Johnson’s personal hitman, Malcolm “Mac” Wallace, as I have explained on many occasions, where by my take Israel had one shooter, who was in the vicinity of the Pergola. So my arrangement would look more like this than…

Joachim Hagopian, All Crises and Roads Lead to Genocide

Joachim Hagopian Just looking at the modern Dr. Mengele Anthony Fauci repulses me. I see that on Tuesday November 22nd he made what could possibly be his final appearance at the podium escorted by White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who belligerently cut off a reporter trying to ask the all-important legit question of the Covid-19 origin. Of course we already know that Fauci financed a third party the zoologist Peter to be the middleman paying millions in US taxpaid dollars to the Wuhan Virology Lab’s gain-of-function bioweapon that Fauci and Gates hold…

Joachim Hagopian, Top US General Suggesting Peace Talks, Strongly Rejected by DC Neocons and Zelensky

Joachim Hagopian Earlier this month, America’s top General Mark Milley stated: You want to negotiate from a position of strength. Russia right now is on its back. The probability of Russia achieving its strategic objectives of conquering Ukraine…is close to zero… Ukraine has had great success, but Kherson and Kharkiv are relatively small. So in terms of probability, the probability of a Ukrainian military victory, defined as kicking the Russians out of all of Ukraine, to include what they claim is Crimea…is not high, militarily… President Biden and President Zelenskyy himself has…

Laurent Guyenot, President Kennedy’s Assassination Was a Zionist Coup

Laurent Guyenot [Editor’s note: Begin with a summary overview of 30 years of collaborative research with the best experts to.ever study the case as background for what you read here: To watch, “JFK Special: Dedicates to Oliver Stone”, click here. which I dedicated to Oliver Stone, whose magisterial “JFK” provides the most accurate and complete presentation of what actually happened in Dealey Plaza on 22 November 1963 ever provided to the American public through the mass media.] Zionist crocodile’s tears “Jack said it to me sometimes. He said, ‘Oh, God,…

Dr. Joseph Mercola, Manufactured Dystopia — Globalists Won’t Stop Hacking Humans

Joseph Mercola, M.D. STORY AT-A-GLANCE Digital identity, digital twins, programmable central bank digital currency, a social credit system, human augmentation and the Internet of Bodies (IoB). These are all part of the dystopian future being rolled out by the globalist cabal as the “solutions” to the world’s problems According to transhumanist propaganda, everyone will benefit from human augmentation. In reality, transhumanism is a eugenics program, differing in name only The post-human society envisioned by transhumanists will have no use for billions of people. Since a vast number of jobs will…