Joachim Hagopian, Ohio Armageddon: The Elites’ Genocidal Depopulation Agenda Is Accelerating

Joachim Hagopian Way back on February 3rd, a full two weeks ago, 50-railway cars out of more than 100 belonging to Norfolk South Railroad jumped their tracks carrying toxic chemical gases, spilled during the derailment to create a huge ecological disaster in the northeastern Ohio town of 5,000 residents of East Palestine. The chemical hazard crew began control burns ostensibly to limit any further catastrophic explosions but the poisonous fumes from the burn did serious major damage to all life even many miles away. As is typical of every breaking big story…


Joachim Hagopian No sooner after the balloon fiasco last weekend that in retrospect appears to be more a US psyops than a Chinese spy operation, it was used to misdirect public attention away from Biden’s gross failures with his open border, his plunging national economy, and US fatigue setting in over giving away the kitchen sink in a losing cause in Ukraine, so for the last three straight days, US fighter jets have been firing missiles each day to shoot down back-to-back-to-back unidentified aerial objects flying into North America’s airspace. What are the odds…

Joachim Hagopian, With Davos a Bust, Are Ruling Elites Growing Desperate with No Way out but World War?

Joachim Hagopian Based on current events of this last week, it appears that we’re seeing more suicidal desperation on the part of the elite controllers dominating the Western puppet regime of US/NATO/EU. Describing the situation in Ukraine in recent months, I’ve repeatedly maintained that ruling bloodline elites per their vassals US/NATO/EU have placed all their eggs in their lost cause war basket of Ukraine, because their “perfect [genocidal] storm” they’ve been cooking up beginning with the 2020 pandemic overreach is now converging this year as their house of cards “Great…


By Joachim Hagopian On Tuesday the 31st of August 2022, news out of Russia reported that the first and only president of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, died at the age of 91. As the last Soviet leader, he was responsible for transitioning forward the Soviet Empire breakup to establish the Russian Federation, credited with graciously handling this difficult process known as “perestroika.” As a world stateman, President Mikhail Gorbachev achieved a number of major international accomplishments by virtually anyone’s standards. It was Gorbachev who ended the Cold War and normalized relations…

Paul Craig Roberts Saw It Coming: Walking into Armageddon (5 December 2017)

Paul Craig Roberts [Editor’s note: I have long admired Paul Craig Roberts and regard him as our nation’s leading public intellectual. He observed and anticipated the course of events as early as 5 December 2017. We have further confirmation of the motives for demonizing Putin over Ukraine from Investment Watch Blog: And I have no doubt that these observations are more accurate and on the mark than anything you are hearing and seeing from the MSM, not only CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS but Fox News as well, alas!] Dear…