Joachim Hagopian, Pathway to Gulag Amerika Amidst Prison Planet Chaos

Joachim Hagopian During the first quarter of the 21st century, City of London overlords have imposed policies embracing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in order to create and in large part enforce the largest migration crises in modern history. The planetary rulers have used their bribed and blackmailed puppet leaders in the world’s three wealthiest continents possessing the largest white “goyim” Christian populations – North America, Europe and Australia/New Zealand, to permit massive illegal immigrant populations by the tens of millions from Third World nations to deliberately flood the West with…

Joachim Hagopian, Surging Stress, Anxiety and Polarization are Driving America’s Mental Health Crisis – By Design

Joachim Hagopian As a licensed mental health clinician for over a quarter century, and author-journalist for more than a decade, I can honestly say that the fragile state of Americans’ mental health today is plummeting at an unforeseen rate, the likes of which virtually all Americans alive today have never experienced before. With the economic forecast looking ever-gloomier throughout Western economies, financial stress and job anxiety are running rampant in both America and UK/Europe, causing a mental health crisis. In America, anxiety ranks as the #1 mental health issue in the workplace. This…

Patrick J. McShay, The COVID-19 Vaccine is an Israeli Mossad Created Bioweapon to Genocide the World’s Population

Patrick J. McShay “The risk of Gain Of Function research is worth the risk of a pandemic.” *Dr. Anthony Fauci- Former Director of the National Institute of Health “The COVID-19 vaccines are causing the variant strains. This program was ill-conceived, unnecessary, and is killing people!” *Dr. Luc Montagnier- World-renowned Nobel Prize-winning virologist who discovered the AIDS Virus   In 2022, a long-time immunologist and a former employee at the National Institute of Health (NIH) J. Bart Classen, PhD, wrote a bombshell peer-reviewed paper about the origin of the COVID-19 virus…

Joachim Hagopian, The Genocidal Knot around Humanity’s Neck Tightens Every Year

Joachim Hagopian Transcript of Joachim Hagopian’s Presentation at James Fetzer’s 5th Annual 2024 False Flags & Conspiracy Conference This is my third year in a row I’ve been highlighting this ultimate crime of the ages – human genocide – on Jim’s annual False Flag Conference, and every year I come back reporting that it’s only growing worse and more overt each passing year. The standard legal definition of genocide ratified by 153 UN member nations as of April 2022, emerges from the 1948 Genocide Convention to mean any of the following…

Joachim Hagopian, Americans Deteriorating Mental Health and What Can Be Done About It

Joachim Hagopian As a licensed therapist for 27 years working within America’s thoroughly stretched and broken mental health system, I can tell you that the mental health of our nation’s citizens has rapidly deteriorated in recent years, especially since the diabolically conspired COVID catastrophe has brought death and injury to both our physical and psychological health. It seems that every family in America knows someone who has died or been injured from the Big Pharma premeditated bioweapon. The domino effect from this unprecedented, still unfolding tragedy compounds skyrocketing pressures to…

IT’S ALL AN IQ TEST: Ten OBVIOUS lessons every intelligent person should have learned from COVID 1.0 (that can save you from what’s coming with COVID 2.0)

Mike Adams The great IQ test has commenced. COVID 1.0 was the training round, to present lessons in government tyranny and medical science fraud for all to witness. COVID 2.0 is the final exam to see who is stupid enough to still have not learned the lessons from the training round. However, this “final exam” is more like a final solution, and those who fail this round of the global IQ test will find their projected lifespan rapidly shrinking. The ramp-up to COVID 2.0 tyranny is already apparent. Joe Biden just…

Dr. Robert Malone: COVID jabs were a CIA operation to depopulate the world

Robert Malone, M.D. [Editor’s note: While I liked this piece initially, it appears to be designed to distract from the real perps, including Israel, the New World Order, and (especially) the Rothschild Banking Empire. In other words, upon further reflection, I reluctantly conclude that this is a brilliant piece of propaganda.] The mRNA pioneer’s reluctant conclusion came during a speech at the recent 2023 White Coat Summit. (LifeSiteNews) — In a speech at the 2023 White Coat Summit, Dr. Robert Malone asked the crucial question about the so-called COVID vaccines: “Why would…

Joachim Hagopian,  Overcoming Today’s Fractured World

Joachim Hagopian The elites’ rush to crush Western civilization and the United States in particular was expedited with their illegally installed, handpicked, senile puppet Biden whose 2020 political rallies attracted very sparse numbers. Yet we’re supposed to actually believe he received the most votes in US history with over 81 million? The powerbrokers’ puppet’s assigned, scripted role to finish the job begun by his boss Manchurian traitor Obama to destroy America from within, after the populist battering ram Trump briefly upended their Saul Alinsky Marxist plan, further polarizing the US left-right divide. The diabolical elitist plan…

OVERWHELMING PROOF that the COVID-19 Plandemic was officially planned and executed by the U.S. Federal Government (and other state actors)

State of the Nation SOTN Editor’s Note: The following exhaustive investigative research report proves — BEYOND ANY DOUBT — that the COVID-19 Plandemic was, in fact, planned out over many decades within the highest echelons of the US government.  It also confirms that an extremely powerful shadow government was directing every facet of the vast lobbying efforts and legislative processes necessary to pull off this ongoing crime wave against the American people.  Which means that the barbarians have been inside the gate and operating freely at least since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.…

5 reasons to believe the global population is already one billion people less than it was in January 2020 The general consensus was that there were 7.84 billion people on Earth in January 2020. The United Nations reported that the global population eclipsed the 8 billion mark in November 2022. As of publishing, Worldometer has the current global population at 8.028 billion. There have been 40 million births and 20 million deaths, for a net population growth of 20 million thus far in 2023, according to the same source. The only people who believe any of the foregoing also believe that men are really women, and vaccines are safe and effective.…