Robert David Steele, My View: Jeffrey Epstein is a Mossad Clandestine Operations Officer

ROBERT DAVID STEELE I remain of the view that Jeffrey Epstein is a Mossad clandestine operations officer, assisted by Mossad clandestine operations officer Ghislaine Maxwell, and that their mission is to do precisely what they have been doing: entrap US politicians, judges, celebrities, prosecutors, and corporate leaders with rigged “no name” hotels and the mult-cavern “Lolita Island” where anything goes and  the Mossad gets it all on video — grown people doing bad things to small children. My sources suggest that Vicky Ward has it wrong, Epstein is not a…

State of the Nation: EPSTEINgate Blown Wide Open, Pedogate Control Mechanism Exposed Like Never Before

*Here’s why Jeffrey Epstein was arrested now and who’s really behind it. Deep State goes after President Trump   “The Epstein arrest is specifically directed at Trump, as well as key VIP supporters in his camp.” — Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer State of the Nation This blockbuster of a story ought to be a no-brainer. The only reason Jeffrey Epstein was recently arrested was to put President Trump in a political vise. KEY POINT: The single biggest mistake of Trump’s presidency was to appoint the corrupt Alex Acosta to…