Kevin Barrett, Julag USA!

Kevin Barrett Anne Applebaum, a leading Jewish-American journalist, supports murdering Palestinian journalists. She doesn’t want the world to know the horrible facts about the genocide “Israel” has been committing since 1948. Her solution: Kill the messenger. And “Israel” has taken her advice. By the end of 2024, the Genocidal Zionist Entity or GZE (pronounced “jeeeeeez!”) had murdered at least 217 journalists since the beginning of the al-Aqsa Flood war in October 2023. You can see the names and faces of the martyred journalists at al-Jazeera’s memorial page. Since Applebaum thinks journalists she…

Kevin Barrett, Trump’s “America First” vs. Neocons’ “Israel First”: It’s Showdown Time

By Kevin Barrett, for American Free Press For decades the US hasn’t had enough enemies. So it has been borrowing them from Israel, which has all it can handle and then some, due to its terrorism, assassinations, expansionist ambitions, and genocidal policies. Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu has devoted his entire political career to cajoling the US into fighting Israel’s wars. Since the 1980s US Mideast policies have been primarily designed to benefit Israel, including America’s eight-trillion-dollar 9/11 wars. Absent Israel, the US could easily have maintained cordial relations with every…

Mike Palecek, Common Sense

Mike Palecek [available at Lulu. com]​ Dedicated To: Jim Fetzer, Wolfgang Halbig, Monika Schaefer, Christopher Bollyn, Scott Creighton, Sofia Smallstorm, Kevin Barrett, David Ray Griffin, Penn Jones, Terrible Tim, Debbie Lusignan, Nicholas Kollerstrom, Ken O’Keefe, Dave McGowan, et. al Also dedicated to those hundreds of people, in Biloxi, Baraboo, Barstow, Butte, Bancroft and Brooklyn, those people who, on Nov. 22, or Nov. 23, or Nov. 24, 1963, or sometime during the following week, on a long or short walk, or at the kitchen table pouring Froot Loops for the kids or…

Kevin Barrett, Chomsky’s Ties to Jeffrey Epstein—and Suspected 9/11 Mastermind Ehud Barak—Exposed

Kevin Barrett No wonder he lied so outrageously in our email correspondence   [Editor’s note: It sounds so outrageous that you might not believe Chomsky could be so dismissive of conspiracy in the cases of 9/11 and JFK. But there is no doubt about it. On 25 April 2007, I did a short interview concerning my reservations about him focusing on those specific issues: And later that year (in August), i did a sequel (with Paula Gloria of the Manhattan Neighborhood Network), where I expanded upon my reservations about the…

Kevin Barrett, Gazans Break Out of World’s Biggest Concentration Camp

Kevin Barrett Video Link [Editor’s note: There are increasing reasons to believe this may be another “false flag” attack, where Israel itself created Hamas and where the IDF took six hours to respond, which is absurd. An Israeli blogger (and former IDF soldier) says that the Gaza fence is monitored so closely that even the presence of a cat sets off a response in force. SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG HERE. Here’s a detailed discussion of (what appear to be) good reasons to think that this is a staged event to…

Kevin Barrett, Why I’m Voting Republican for the First Time Ever

Kevin Barrett [Editor’s note: Kevin and I go way back. Mike Palecek even published a book about us as “The Dynamic Duo”, where you can track it down at I am extremely pleased to see he’s voting Republican for the first time–and wanted to share it with you.] The “left” has abandoned peace, freedom, and working folks—they’re now warmongers, censors, and corporate shills Video link A few years ago, if you’d told me I would ever vote for a Republican not named Ron Paul, I’d have said you were…

Kevin Barrett, Sen. Ron Johnson Takes Aim at the Biggest COVID Scandals

Kevin Barrett As soon as I finished the live broadcast of this week’s False Flag Weekly News (watch it above) my wife and I drove to a park in Verona, Wisconsin, where a dozen or so Republican candidates were speaking at a picnic organized by my friend and former campaign manager Rolf Lindgren. The headliner, Senator Ron Johnson, drew a standing ovation when he vowed to investigate the biggest COVID scandals. Johnson said he chose to run for re-election rather than retire for one overriding reason: to investigate COVID issues. If the…

The 65 Shows: (24 May-15 Nov 2020)

Jim Fetzer From 24 May to 15 November 2020, I did a show called “Jim The Conspiracy Guy” on Sunday evenings, where I usually did interviews on Tuesdays and Thursdays. When my original sponsor found they were not drawing a large audience and departed for points south, I continued the show as long as I could afford it at $100 per month. Here is the result. If any of the links don’t play, let me know. I hope you find something of interest. I enjoyed doing them. Watch These Shows…

False Flags and Conspiracies 2020: Live Conference: Now Available Free

False Flags and Conspiracies 2020: Live Conference – Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Program Chair Master Of Ceremonies Conspiracies are as American as apple pie. In my first scholarly article about conspiracy research, “Thinking about ‘Conspiracy Theories’: 9/11 and JFK“, I explained how the principles of scientific reasoning can be applied to conspiracy theories and illustrated with regard to the current issue of The New York Times that stories on every page dealt with conspiracies. Once authentic evidence has been separate from fabricated, these cases tend to fall into familiar patterns and…

The Superspreaders behind Top COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories

By DAVID KLEPPER, FARNOUSH AMIRI and BEATRICE DUPUY   [Editor’s note: Anyone who has followed the COVID-19 scam–the greatest hoax the world has ever seen, dwarfing the moon landing hoax by many orders of magnitude–may find this attack on some of the COVID skeptics amusing, where. it would be a laughing matter were it not the case that we are enveloped by a massive depopulation program, where masks are killing us slowly, the vaccinations are working faster, and the mass murder will be through starvation, where Bill Gates has been…