Asa Winstanley, How Israeli spies are flooding Facebook and Twitter

Asa Winstanley Israel secretly operates a troll army of thousands, partly funded by a government department. The Ministry of Strategic Affairs is dedicated to a global “war” against BDS, the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement for Palestinian rights. To conceal its involvement, the ministry has admitted to working through front groups that “do not want to expose their connection with the state.” The troll army Act.IL is one of many such groups. It focuses on spreading Israeli propaganda online. What does it do with its million dollar budget? Act.IL is run by a former Israeli spy…

Jack Mullen, The Next American Revolution

 July 4th, 2019 Today Americans should remember the Revolution was about becoming Independent from Briton – ending control of the various governments in the Colonies by the British and becoming a nation unto its own, without foreign entanglements and commitments in any form except through treaty to another nation-state power. Now America we are again under the control of a foreign nation again – suffering nearly total usurpation at the federal level and we have lost more than 26 States to this occupying enemy. These ideas are not hyperbole or…

Dr. Mustafa Mheta, Absurd for Danny Danon to tell the UN that Israel has Biblical, historical and legal foundations

Dr. Mustafa Mheta Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, made a very bold assertion during a debate in the Security Council recently. “Jewish rights to the land of Israel depends on four pillars,” he claimed. “This includes the Bible, history, legality and the pursuit of international peace and security.” I don’t know what he meant by “legality and the pursuit of international peace” and, given Israel’s record of attacking its neighbours, I will refrain from giving credibility to his illusionary discourse by dissecting it. Suffice to ask if he…

Jack Mullen, Israel Demands New War with Iran: The War to Deliberately Destroy America

JACK MULLEN In 2007, General, retired 4-star U.S. Army general and Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia, publicly told the world the United States was planning to take out 7 nations in 5 years. The Lord your God will bring you into the land that you are going to occupy, and he will drive many nations out of it. As you advance, he will drive out seven nations larger and more powerful than you [..] When the Lord your God places these people in your power and you defeat them, you must put…

Pat McShay, Trump pushes back on War with Iran–but for how long?

Pat McShay “The ignorant warmonger masquerading as an American Secretary of State should be arrested for his impersonation of an American government official. — Paul Craig Roberts, The “Father Of Reaganomics” “Every time the U.S. saves a country, they turn it into an insane asylum or a cemetery.” — Ed Galean, Latin American Author “It’s a trick we always use. In Europe, we stop criticism of Israel by bringing up the Holocaust, in the U.S. we call critics anti-Semitic” — Shulamit Aloni, Former Israeli Minister by Patrick J. McShay Spain,…

RT, Trump Strangelove: Or how America learned to worry and hate Empire

RT President Donald Trump seems to be making Americans hate the empire again, by embracing war – or maybe only pretending to do so – against Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea and who knows where else. One thing to keep in mind about Trump is that his critics tend to instinctively oppose anything he is for, regardless of what they may have thought in the past. Take this video, for example, comparing the eerily similar rhetoric behind George W. Bush’s push for war against Iraq and the Trump administration’s current…

Andrew Levine: Is Ilhan Omar Wrong . . . About Anything?

Andrew Levine It has been clear for some time that Ilhan Omar owes no one any apologies for her remarks on AIPAC and those who tow its line; quite to the contrary, apologies are owed her.  Developments over the past several weeks underscore how important it is to drive that point home. Before the 2008 publication of John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt’s The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, the subject was, for all practical purposes, taboo. Everything had to be kept hush hush, just as it did with the NSA (no such agency),…

Philip Geraldi, The Growing Anti-Semitism Scam

Philip Geraldi In his novel 1984 George Orwell invented the expression “newspeak” to describe the ambiguous or deliberately misleading use of language to make political propaganda and narrow the “thought options” of those who are on the receiving end. In the context of today’s political discourse, or what passes for the same, it would be interesting to know what George would think of the saturation use of “anti-Semitism” as something like a tactical discussion stopper, employed to end all dispute while also condemning those accused of the crime as somehow outside the…

How Trump Thwarted Calculated Israeli Effort to Keep U.S. in Syria

Gareth Porter The Pentagon was not the only party pressing Donald Trump to keep troops in Syria last year. It turns out the Israeli government and its supporters in Washington were working very hard to get the Trump administration to use America’s military presence there to support an Israeli campaign of airstrikes aimed at threatening war with Iran. The Israeli strategy was aimed at dividing Russia from Iran and thus putting pressure on Tehran to withdraw its military personnel from Syria. A campaign by a pro-Israel think tank actually succeeded in getting…

James O’Neill: Is the US Planning a Major War with Russia and China?

James O’Neill Two recent reports from the United States strongly suggest the United States is planning a major war with Russia and China, but are far from certain that they could in fact succeed in such a war. The reports also provide insights into how the United States will meet the budgetary demands of such war preparations, but almost zero appreciation of the social and human costs of such policies. The first of these reports is entitled “Providing for the Common Defence” (November 2018). It is the report prepared for the purpose…