Stephen Francis, Analyzing Why Yandex Doesn’t Censor Populist Content

Stephen Francis It is well known that Google, Bing, and most other U.S.-based mainstream search engines are not only heavily censored but a large portion of that censorship ultimately focuses on suppressing what is considered ‘anti-Semitic’ content. The Left’s conflation of ‘anti-Semitism and Racism is a highly related and disingenuous undercurrent in this discussion but is only examined as an adjunct to the main premise of this article. It’s mostly concerned with comparing Google and Russia’s Yandex in relation to the censorship of political (Populist/Alternative) content in the context of finding a…

THE REAL HISTORY CHANNEL: Jim Fetzer Explores the Sandy Hook Psyop

Jim Fetzer Explores the Sandy Hook Psyop The book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, was banned by Amazon [Editor’s note: For the original or to send comments about this article to Mike King, click here.] Yours truly will be appearing this Wednesday (July 12) at 12 EST on Jim Fetzer‘s “The Raw Deal” show at Revolution Radio. Veteran conspiracy analysts will recall the Professor of the Philosophy of Science from Minnesota U for his early 9/11 Trutherism. His academic activism on the subject was so informed and effective that he eventually drew fire from…

Jim Fetzer, The Latest Pathetic (NYT) Sandy Hook Sob Story

Jim Fetzer [Editor’s note: For background, those who are unfamiliar with the evidence related to the Sandy Hook event might want to watch two presentations from my False Flags & Conspiracies Conference 2020, which you can download to your own desktop: Kelley Watt, “Sandy Hook: A Mass Illusion”,  and Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., “What happened at Sandy Hook?”–perhaps better titled, “What Didn’t Happen at Sandy Hook?”, as the following explains.There must be over 100 proofs that suggest that Sandy Hook was staged; here I am going to review only a half-dozen…

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B., How Sandy Hook Children Can Sue, at Age 18

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B. This article looks at the harm that was done to children in Newtown Connecticut or the surrounding area, who were coerced to lie about the false massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES). That is, I begin from the premise that the event of December 14, 2012 was a hoax, arranged by governmental authorities and perhaps private groups. (If I am wrong about that premise, the material here can still be useful, regarding children who are coerced to lie about other things.) I am sure that…

Newtown Shooter’s Guns: This Is What We Were Told; But Was It True?

Mike Cunningham World Class Schools [Editor’s note: During a presentation about Sandy Hook with students of Mike Cunningham, World Class Schools, questions arose about the weapons that were allegedly used by Adam Lanza, the alleged perp of the mass shooting. Using a CNN report by Steve Almasy, CNN as their point of departure, they made several rather telling observations as follow.] That is what we were told Now Let Us 10 Years Later Look at the Pictures to Obtain Questions from the Evidence Looking at the evidence, one can normally…

Susan Bradford, Sandy Hook Revisited: Woke Activism, Rothschilds, and Other Observations

By Susan Bradford [Editor’s note: These school shootings–including Sandy Hook, Parkland, and Uvalde–are staged as faux terrorism to instill fear into the public (especially parents) to make them more amenable to manipulation in promoting a political agenda, especially gun control. But there are other incentives, including economic.] A possible outcome from the recurring school shootings, of which Sandy Hook is one, is that schools will likely be retrofitted with new technologies and structures to keep children “safe” from terrorists within technological gulags that bring the experience of air travel to…

Jim Fetzer, SCOTUS Petition for Rehearing DENIED: The Story as Told via Twitter

Jim Fetzer As it happens, I filed a Petition for Rehearing on the Court’s Denial of my Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, which is supported by new legal arguments and new factual evidence. Click here to download the Petition for Rehearing. Click here for Appendices A-D (which includes the FEMA Manual for the Sandy Hook Exercise and the CT FEMA Bridgeport Scheduling of that Exercise}. Click here for Appendix E (which is an Affidavit by Texas Licensed Private Investigator, Brian Davidson, of crime scene photos from the CT Stater Police Archive but which not only…

Is Mark Zuckerberg Liable for Trillions in Civil Damages, and Should He Be Criminally Charged?

Dr. Joseph Sansone Alex Jones’s website reportedly gets 22 million visitors a month. Based on this traffic, Alex Jones is a bona fide member of the press, and of course, a media commentator and talk show host. Alex may be an alternative media publisher, but with his reach and influence, it needs to be established that he and are a legitimate media outlet. It appears that there has been an orchestrated campaign by the media to cancel a competitor, Alex Jones and Infowars. Alex Jones has been banned from social media platforms…

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B., The Sandy Hook School Shooting Did Not Happen. Period.

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B. [Editor’s note: Mary published this on 13 February 2022, but I seem to have missed it. To make amends for my sin of omission, therefore, I am republished it here and now. Mary’s new book, UNREALITY: Sandy Hook Messes Minds, by the way, can be downloaded for free as a PDF from] I am a Boston-born dual citizen of US and Australia. Last night it was amazing to see, thanks to the miracle of YouTube, a huge, huge group of Aussies converging on Parliament House…

James Fetzer – Show Trial: Alex Jones’ Case wasn’t Decided on its Merits

Henry Makow Prof James Fetzer, above who is facing a $450,000 penalty for his book “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook” says truth is no defense in 2022 Amerika. Alex Jones and his lawyers did not even try to use it which reveals Jones may be in on a charade designed to stifle dissent.   . . . . the school had been closed by 2008; that there were no students there; and that it had been a two-day FEMA drill presented as mass murder to promote gun control), I regarded this as…