Mike Palecek, Common Sense

Mike Palecek [available at Lulu. com]​ Dedicated To: Jim Fetzer, Wolfgang Halbig, Monika Schaefer, Christopher Bollyn, Scott Creighton, Sofia Smallstorm, Kevin Barrett, David Ray Griffin, Penn Jones, Terrible Tim, Debbie Lusignan, Nicholas Kollerstrom, Ken O’Keefe, Dave McGowan, et. al Also dedicated to those hundreds of people, in Biloxi, Baraboo, Barstow, Butte, Bancroft and Brooklyn, those people who, on Nov. 22, or Nov. 23, or Nov. 24, 1963, or sometime during the following week, on a long or short walk, or at the kitchen table pouring Froot Loops for the kids or…

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Motion to Open Judgment Pursuant to Extrinsic Fraud and Fraud Upon the Court

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. Having carried my Sandy Hook case from Dane County Circuit Court to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals (District IV) and the Wisconsin Supreme Court and then going to the United States Supreme Court (all to no avail), it became apparent that my only option was to expose the fraud behind the fraud (the Extrinsic Fraud) and the complicity of the Court and the attorneys for the Plaintiff, Leonard Pozner (the Fraud upon the Court). I had suggested from the beginning that Leonard Pozner was not a real…

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., FAKE NEWS: “The Truth vs. Alex Jones”

Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. Robert Barnes, the celebrated attorney, said (of his visit to the Alex Jones trial in Austin) that it was unlike any courtroom he had ever seen, with three cameras (one of which was pointed at the jury) and that “it looked like a made-for-TV-movie”! No doubt, Robert Barnes got it right! And the outcome was the film, “The Truth vs. Alex Jones”, which contains very little truth (as I shall explain) and distorts the law regarding freedom of speech by grossly misrepresenting the First Amendment to present a…

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B., How Sandy Hook Children Can Sue, at Age 18

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B. This article looks at the harm that was done to children in Newtown Connecticut or the surrounding area, who were coerced to lie about the false massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES). That is, I begin from the premise that the event of December 14, 2012 was a hoax, arranged by governmental authorities and perhaps private groups. (If I am wrong about that premise, the material here can still be useful, regarding children who are coerced to lie about other things.) I am sure that…

Mary Maxwell, America’s Downfall: the Sandy Hook Hoax Has Lasted Ten Years This Week

MaryMaxwell [Send E-Mail] Date: Tuesday, 13-Dec-2022 14:35:32 www.rumormill.news/213194 [Editor’s note: The photo I added  (above) is of “Noah Pozner” celebrating his 8th birthday. (Count the candles!) Pretty good for a boy who died at Sandy Hook at the age of 6!] Ten years ago on December 14, 2012, the FBI, or some other part of the US government, played a trick on the American people. They put out a story that 20 children were shot by 20-year-old Adam Lanza. No kid actually got shot, so that is a happy fact, but…

Mary Maxwell: “Sandy Hook Is Definitely a Hoax. I Repeat: Sandy Hook Is a Hoax.”

By Mary W Maxwell, Ph.D., LLB [Editor’s note: The photo is of Wolfgang Halbig, a former Florida State Trooper and school principal, asking questions about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting during the public participation section of the Board of Education meeting at the Newtown Municipal Center Council Chambers in Newtown, Conn. Tuesday, May 6, 2014. I was there and spoke second. Wolfgang will be my guest on The Raw Deal (28 September 2022) Noon-2 PM/ET. Listen LIVE via freedomslips.com, Studio B.] Let’s start with a quick recap of the…


Stephanie Sledge On February 25, 2022, School Safety Expert and Former Law Enforcement veteran Wolfgang Halbig filed a lawsuit against the Lake County, Florida Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) and other defendants for violations of his US Constitutional first, fourth, fifth, and fourteen amendments rights. The Complaint lists a second cause as a RICO complaint, each seeking compensatory relief. The suit claims that Defendant’s unlawful acts caused damage to Wolfgang Halbig. Halbig alleges they conspired, planned, and designed their actions to embarrass him publicly, damage him economically, silence his FOIA inquiries, and…

Mary Maxwell, The Real Sandy Hook Tragedy Begins Now: Arrests Called For

by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB The day of the Sandy Hook school massacre — December 14, 2012 — is not a tragic day, as there were no deaths. There was no shooter. There weren’t six staff members who tried valiantly to save the 20 children. It was an ordinary Friday. The massacre story is fiction. There have been many false flag events in the US and elsewhere. Some are pure fiction, such as the crash of Flight UA93 in Shanksville Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001. No plane fell to…

Mary Maxwell, The Sandy Hook School Shooting Did Not Happen. Period.

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LLB I am a Boston-born dual citizen of US and Australia. Last night it was amazing to see, thanks to the miracle of YouTube, a huge, huge group of Aussies converging on Parliament House in Canberra. More than the number in Ottawa, I think. This surely is a turning point. No longer is everyone willing to just lie down and take it. “We’ve had it; we’re sick of it.” I am sick of America’s lies. Sick, sick, sick of the “normalcy” of double-speak. And I’m personally tired…

Mary Maxwell, Sandy Hook: The Paucity of Evidence

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB   [Editor’s note: Mary Maxwell has been doing a series of posts at her blog, gumshoenews.com, which reveal the process though which she has come to the dawning realization that Sandy Hook was not real, as she long assumed, but was staged (as Wolfgang Halbig, Robert David Steele, and I have long maintained). While she has some of the details wrong, she is certainly on the right track. The relevance may be greater now with Alex Jones’ attacking me gratuitously for a story from 2019…