Mary Maxwell, Sandy Hook “Trials”? (Alex Jones, James Fetzer) — Nothing’s Been Put on the Table

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LLB [Editor’s note: Since Justice Gorsuch has shared my Motion to Stay with the other members of the Court and will be in conference on 7 October 2022, it now appears that I will know whether the Court will hear my case on 10 October 2022. While the demand for a jury trial was made by the Plaintiff rather than by me, it applied to all of us.]  (Note: This article first appeared on September 23, 2022 at New Hampshire’s, with the title “Is Alex Jones…

Did a Conspiracy Theory Just Collapse? Sandy Hook and Alex Jones

by Daniel Pipes [Editor’s note: Nice piece of propaganda, where even though Alex Jones may have caved and Mike Palecek may have issued an apology, I remain dedicated to the truth about Sandy Hook, where I now have a Petition before the US Supreme Court to reverse the ruling of the Dane County Circuit Court on the ground that the Summary Judgment protocols in Wisconsin violate my rights under the 7th and the 14th Amendments. You can download my Petition from the SCOTUS docket here. And check out some of…


Jim Fetzer and Brian Davidson [Editor’s note: We have prepared a checklist for law enforcement as guidelines in detecting and exposing staged events and “false flags” that are being used to deceive and manipulate the public. You can download the PDF from this site here. Please share this as far and wide as you can, beginning with your county sheriff and local police departments. There’s the ghost of a chance that it just might make a difference. Time is short. They want to take our guns. Act now!] LAW ENFORCEMENT…

Everything you ever wanted to know about “conspiracy theories” but were afraid to ask

But this time, you don’t have to be afraid Dr. Fetzer at University of Minnesota Duluth in November 2005 discussing the death of U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone Brought to you by the world’s best-known “conspiracy theorist” CONSPIRACY 101: CRITICAL THINKING & CONSPIRACY THEORIES 15-week online course presented by Philosophy Professor Emeritus James H. Fetzer, Ph.D. LEARN MORE SIGN UP! Copyright © 2022 Wrongs Without Wremedies, LLC, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in from one of our websites or from one of our affiliates’ sites.…

CONSPIRACY 101: Critical Thinking & Conspiracy Theories

Jim Fetzer [Editor’s note: A sample of 10 students who enroll will have direct access to me in real time to share questions and comments as representatives of the class. I would be delighted if that were to include some of you. I shall not take offense if you decline the honor. REGISTRATION OPEN: The time to register is NOW. This course begins on Wednesday, 6 April 2022!]

CONSPIRACY 101: Critical Thinking & Conspiracy Theories

Jim Fetzer [Editor’s note: A sample of 10 students who enroll will have direct access to me in real time to share questions and comments as representatives of the class. I would be delighted if that were to include some of you. I shall not take offense if you decline the honor. REGISTRATION OPEN: ]

Defending the 1st and 2nd Amendments

Jim Fetzer My Petition for Review by the Wisconsin Supreme Court has been denied without a word of explanation. Here’s a short version of what happened, which is about as outrageous as it gets. Yet the highest WI court has passed on it, unwilling to clean up the mess of the Circuit and Appellate Courts in the state: Under these circumstances, I have no alternative but to proceed to the United States Supreme Court in the hope that, by some minor miracle, it will actually carry out its responsibilities under…

Mary Maxwell, Sandy Hook: The Paucity of Evidence

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB   [Editor’s note: Mary Maxwell has been doing a series of posts at her blog,, which reveal the process though which she has come to the dawning realization that Sandy Hook was not real, as she long assumed, but was staged (as Wolfgang Halbig, Robert David Steele, and I have long maintained). While she has some of the details wrong, she is certainly on the right track. The relevance may be greater now with Alex Jones’ attacking me gratuitously for a story from 2019…

Jim Fetzer, The $33,000,000 Sandy Hook Settlement is Insurance Fraud

Jim Fetzer In response to the announced settlement between Remington and families of nine of the alleged victims of the Sandy Hook shooting, I have authorized William Sumner Scott, one of the attorneys handling my defense to Pozner claims against me pending before the Wisconsin Supreme Court, to contact the CEO of Liberty Mutual Insurance Group, which wholly owned subsidiary Ironshore Specialty Insurance Company, together with AXA XL, will be saddled with most, if not all, of the $33,000,000 payout, to assert that this appears to be an elaborate scam. …

The 65 Shows: (24 May-15 Nov 2020)

Jim Fetzer From 24 May to 15 November 2020, I did a show called “Jim The Conspiracy Guy” on Sunday evenings, where I usually did interviews on Tuesdays and Thursdays. When my original sponsor found they were not drawing a large audience and departed for points south, I continued the show as long as I could afford it at $100 per month. Here is the result. If any of the links don’t play, let me know. I hope you find something of interest. I enjoyed doing them. Watch These Shows…