Fun and Games at WI Supreme Court: Aren’t we Entitled to Something Better?

Jim Fetzer [Editor’s note: The WI Supreme Court has reversed itself and accepted my petition for review: which is a most welcome development. Pozner now has 14 days to respond.] My appeal to the WI Supreme Court was submitted on 7 May 2021, entirely in accordance with the requirement that it be submitted within 30 days of the denial it is appealing, which was issued on 7 April 2021). To my astonishment, the WI Supreme Court rejected the application as untimely and sent the records back. (They may want to…

UNZ REVIEW: Jim Fetzer, What’s Wrong with Conspiracy Theories?

Jim Fetzer The public has been fed an endless stream of attacks upon conspiracy theories, which, we are told, are supposed to be very bad for human beings and other living things. But precisely why is almost never explained. And when you consider that our political parties and the mainstream media indulge themselves in conspiracy theories, such as the claim that Russia interfered with the 2016 election (otherwise Donald Trump could never have been elected) or, alternatively, that Dominion voting machines were used to steal the election of 2020 (and otherwise could not have been defeated)…

False Flags and Conspiracies 2020: Live Conference: Now Available Free

False Flags and Conspiracies 2020: Live Conference – Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Program Chair Master Of Ceremonies Conspiracies are as American as apple pie. In my first scholarly article about conspiracy research, “Thinking about ‘Conspiracy Theories’: 9/11 and JFK“, I explained how the principles of scientific reasoning can be applied to conspiracy theories and illustrated with regard to the current issue of The New York Times that stories on every page dealt with conspiracies. Once authentic evidence has been separate from fabricated, these cases tend to fall into familiar patterns and…

Mask Mandates: Killing Us Slowly

Jim Fetzer [Editor’s note: Here’s the letter I sent this morning to members of the Wisconsin State Senate and Legislature, to let them know that the Governor’s mandate to wear masks is LITERALLY killing us slowly. Use this as a template for your own letter to your own state government officials and let them know they will be held responsible if they do not act.] All, As a former Marine Corps officer and retired philosophy professor who loves Wisconsin and whose daughter and son-in-law graduated from UW-Madison, I have been profoundly…

False Flags and Conspiracies 2020 Archives Now Available

Jim Fetzer  The archives from the False Flags and Conspiracies 2020 Virtual Conference (which I organized and moderated 5-6 December 2020) are now available. Go to at the upper-right and you will be directed to the archives. 26 presentations are now available, including one not presented LIVE. You don’t want to miss them. And if you would like to have 10 or more, the complete archive will become available soon for 50% off at $50.00, half of which will go to my Legal Defense Fund. Shop Default sortingSort by…

Jim Fetzer, Joe Biden vs. Debate “Biden”: Just Not the Same Guy

Jim Fetzer  Having dealt extensively with body doubles (in the case of Paul McCartney and of Hillary Clinton, for example), it was probably easier for me to notice that the guy who debated Donald Trump on the national stage (twice, in fact, the second time in Nashville, TN) was not Joe Biden than for most of the public. Having made that observation, however, it became incumbent upon me to bring the matter to the attention of the appropriate authorities, where a submission has been made to the FBI Field Office…

On C-SPAN, Richard Gage leaves 9/11 Truth in a Time-Warp

by Jim Fetzer  [Editor’s note: Lenin observed, “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it”. Richard Gage, the founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, was featured on C-SPAN on 1 August 2014. He was unable to explain who was responsible and why, and his answer to how it was done was already known to be hopelessly inadequate. Perhaps that’s why he was chosen to appear.]   “9/11 was conceived as an elaborate psychological operation to instill fear into the American people in order to manipulate them…


If you have ever had questions about JFK, 9/11, the London 7/7 subway bombing, Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, Charlie Hebdo, Las Vegas, Social Media Censorship, judicial corruption, faking hate crimes, targeted individuals–even the infamous sexual predators of our time, by a legal expert; and on the Coronavirus, by a former US Army psyops officer–then this is the conference for you. 22 presentations by experts from around the world, including Nicholas Kollerstrom, Ph.D., the author of Terror on the Tube (3rd ed.,  2011) and of Chronicles of False Flag Terror: A European Perspective (2017); and Dr. Katherine Horton,…


Jim Fetzer If you have ever had questions about JFK, 9/11, the London 7/7 subway bombing, Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, Charlie Hebdo, Las Vegas, Social Media Censorship, judicial corruption, targeting individuals–even the purported Coronavirus Pandemic!–then this is the conference for you. 22 presentations by experts from around the world, including Ole Dammegard, whom many regard as the leading expert on “false flags” worldwide; Nicholas Kollerstrom, the author of Terror on the Tube (3rd ed.,  2011) and of Chronicles of False Flag Terror: A European Perspective (2017); and Dr. Katherine Horton, Oxford particle physicist,…


Jim Fetzer If you have ever had questions about JFK, 9/11, the London 7/7 subway bombing, Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, Charlie Hebdo, Las Vegas, Social Media Censorship, judicial corruption, targeting individuals–even the purported Coronavirus Pandemic!–then this is the conference for you. 22 presentations by experts from around the world, including Ole Dammegard, whom many regard as the leading expert on “false flags” worldwide; Nicholas Kollerstrom, the author of Terror on the Tube (3rd ed.,  2011) and of Chronicles of False Flag Terror: A European Perspective (2017); and Dr. Katherine…