Joachim Hagopian, The Stage Is Set: Apocalyptic Countdown to One World Government

Joachim Hagopian Donald Trump’s a stooge for the Greater Israel Project, owned and operated by the City of London Rothschild bloodline founder of Israel. His assembled  Synagogue of Satan crew is the most pro-Israel cabinet in all of US history, and in the near two months since he’s taken office, he’s clearly demonstrated he’s Make Israel Great Again and as a fraud not a MAGA man at all. Look at his Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, who was so emotionally moved when he visited the site in Jerusalem where today’s Al-Aqsa mosque stands, not in any deference whatsoever…

Joachim Hagopian, Pathway to Gulag Amerika Amidst Prison Planet Chaos

Joachim Hagopian During the first quarter of the 21st century, City of London overlords have imposed policies embracing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in order to create and in large part enforce the largest migration crises in modern history. The planetary rulers have used their bribed and blackmailed puppet leaders in the world’s three wealthiest continents possessing the largest white “goyim” Christian populations – North America, Europe and Australia/New Zealand, to permit massive illegal immigrant populations by the tens of millions from Third World nations to deliberately flood the West with…

Joachim Hagopian, Trump Changing War Dynamics over Ukraine – Peace or More Conflict?

By Joachim Hagopian Regarding US movement to disengage from its long-lost cause of its proxy war in Ukraine, unlike four years of Biden, President Donald Trump is now at least talking to Russian President Vladimir Putin. On Wednesday February 12th Trump held a 90-minute phone conversation with Putin discussing a peace resolution. It’s the first conversation between a US president and the Russian president in three years. After the conversation, on his Truth Social platform, Trump wrote that among other things the two discussed: The great benefit that we will someday have in working together.…

Joachim Hagopian, West’s Longer-Range Missiles Setting Final Stage for City of London’s World War III Blastoff

Joachim Hagopian With the precedent already set this week, a number of close allied leaders are aggressively pushing the greenlight for Ukraine to use their Western delivered long-range weapons to target sites deep inside Russia, including Moscow. It seems that we are now just hours away from all the Western puppet powers, including the big cheese paper tiger US, granting Kiev its greenlit license to doomsday. Five days ago, Dutch Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans boldly asserted: The right to self-defense does not end 100 kilometers from the border. We have not placed…

Joachim Hagopian, UK Riots Are Another Globalist Psyops Waging War Against Humanity

Joachim Hagopian The rightwing riots being acted out across the United Kingdom have continued for more than a week now, ever since the July 29th deadly stabbings in northwest England that killed three young girls and injured another 10. We are told that the 17-year old murderer of Rwandan descent is a British born citizen from Cardiff, Wales, but alleged misinformation spreading like wildfire turned him into an illegal alien and Islamic foreign invader, and that lie led to the violent rightwing thuggery. If you believe the legacy media outlets, those vicious false lies spread on…

Joachim Hagopian, British Riots – Tip of the Globalist Iceberg for Tyranny? Or Public Pushback against Globalist Migration Crises?

Joachim Hagopian With the Democrats’ coup forcing a senile Joe Biden out of the November election last month, and the Democratic National Convention now less than two weeks away in Chicago, on Friday August 2nd, Vice President Kamala Harris secured enough delegates to become the 2024 Democrat nominee to run against Donald Trump. Despite her role as the border czar the last four years, she never once bothered to show up at the border. Instead she and Biden have treasonously followed their globalist masters’ orders, allowing a nonstop immigrant invasion, intentionally leaving the border…


By Joachim Hagopian A topic that I’ve been extensively covering like no other for over ten years now is how politicians in our puppet governments around the globe, particularly in the West, are groomed, bribed, blackmailed and extorted into doing the dirty bidding of their elite puppet master controllers, often with their private army of global intelligence services. Deep State mafia henchmen entice, coerce, strongarm and threaten compliance from politicians as globalist order-followers. In all the most infamous pedophilia scandals that I expose in my 5-book volume series Pedophilia & Empire:…


By Joachim Hagopian On Tuesday the 31st of August 2022, news out of Russia reported that the first and only president of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, died at the age of 91. As the last Soviet leader, he was responsible for transitioning forward the Soviet Empire breakup to establish the Russian Federation, credited with graciously handling this difficult process known as “perestroika.” As a world stateman, President Mikhail Gorbachev achieved a number of major international accomplishments by virtually anyone’s standards. It was Gorbachev who ended the Cold War and normalized relations…